• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Download Package Dependencies

Paid Plugins + Scripts Download Package Dependencies

  Admin warning: this resource requires an external software: BepInEx, a modding software for Unity games. Virt-A-Mate is made with Unity. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
VAM Plugin: Download Package Dependencies

As per user request, this is a plugin where you can download missing or outdated package dependencies for each package separately.

Join my Patreon to get instant access to all of my 31 VAM Plugins and future updates:
Note: my plugins require an external software: BepInEx, a modding software for Unity games. Virt-A-Mate is made with Unity.

My plugins focus on the user interface (UI) of Virt-A-Mate to make VAM more enjoyable for users. See the Patreon Welcome page and Installation Instructions for details.


VAM Plugin: Download Package Dependencies

As per user request, this is a plugin where you can download missing or outdated package dependencies for each package separately.

With this plugin installed, you will find the button "Download Package Dependencies" in the Add-On Package Manager in the lower-right corner next to the References:

References (1).png

When clicking the button, the below dialog will open and will show missing dependencies in red and outdated dependencies in yellow. The dependencies that are listed in the dialog are the same that are also listed in the "References" window.

At the bottom, you have a row of buttons to either download all dependencies at once, or to download all plugins of a specific category, such as hair or clothing.

You can also download each dependency separately by clicking on its "Download" button on the right. If you click on the dependency's package name on the left, it will open that package in the Hub Browser.

References (2).png

When the download of a package starts, the "Download" button description will change to "Downloading..." and subsequently change to "In Library" if the download was succesful, or to "Error" if the download has failed, e.g. in case the package does not exist anymore or has been removed from the Hub.

The packages are all downloaded in background mode, so that the dialog stays responsive, even when downloading a lot of packages at once.

References (3).png
  Admin warning: this resource requires an external software: BepInEx, a modding software for Unity games. Virt-A-Mate is made with Unity. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource
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