Dev Tools
- GameObjectExplorer:Better handling of GameObject references becoming null
- GameObjectExplorer:Add fields support for MeshFilter, Renderer, MeshRenderer, DAZBone and ContentSizeFitter
- GameObjectExplorer: Fix errors when loading as a session plugin
OnSpawnAtom: Do not disable collisions on SimSheet
- Remove forgotten LogMessage
- OnSpawnAtom: Do not disable collisions on collision triggers (you cannot re-enable them after!)
- GameObjectExplorer: Show components not inheriting from Behavior
- GameObjectExplorer: Add RigidbodyAttributes, ForceReceiver, ConfigurableJoint, ConfigurableJointReconnector, Rigidbody, Collider, Canvas and RectTransform to shown components
- Do not disable collisions on the latest atom when removing an atom

- Keybindings integration (GameObjectExplorer.SelectColliderUnderCursor)
- Show whether a gameobject is active (and if not, whether it's self or in hierarchy)
- Add the plugin, it's UITransform and scene root to the well known objects
- Show more information about UI components (RectTransform, Layout etc.)
- Show information about the OVR rig components
- Fix to support latest VaM version (remove Environment.NewLine)
- Ability to receive broadcast "DevToolsGameObjectExplorerShow" and select gameobjects from other plugins
- Support for UITab, LayoutElement, Text, Image, DAZDynamicItem details
- Add mainHUD and current atom's UITransform to well known objects
- Move well known list to the top so it can be selected
- Adjust popups height
- More well knowns and sort them
- Show when a component is disabled, add a few more properties
- More frequent updates (0.5s for position and 2s for components list)
- New gameobject explorer (very simple version)

2020-11-08 13_45_41-Window.png
- ForceEditMode now also works when using merge load! (VaM 1.20+) (Thanks @vamtaco!)
  • It now works! Thanks @Odin!
  • Zero performance impact
  • Honor auto-select settings in OnSpawnAtom
  • Fix crash when a scene contains no atom
  • Do not auto-select on load
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