(This plugin is OBSOLETE as of VaM
Instead hide the quick shutdown button in your preferences within VAM directly.
Overlays the standard shutdown button with another that will show a confirm shutdown prompt first.
Add the Custom/Scripts/Blazedust/ConfirmShutdown.cs in the .var package as a SessionPlugin. Save your session plugins to automatically start next time you boot VaM.
Please note that the confirm shutdown prompt uses the built-in confirm overwrite prompt within VaM so the button text says "Confirm overwrite" while the text says "Confirm shutdown".
Some code based on ResetVROrientation.cs which I don't know where I got it from.
This works for my desktop and VR settings in VaM and I'm releasing it as I just saw this https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/panic-button-on-off.3001/ and this session plugin might prove useful for some of you.
Instead hide the quick shutdown button in your preferences within VAM directly.
Overlays the standard shutdown button with another that will show a confirm shutdown prompt first.
Add the Custom/Scripts/Blazedust/ConfirmShutdown.cs in the .var package as a SessionPlugin. Save your session plugins to automatically start next time you boot VaM.
Please note that the confirm shutdown prompt uses the built-in confirm overwrite prompt within VaM so the button text says "Confirm overwrite" while the text says "Confirm shutdown".
Some code based on ResetVROrientation.cs which I don't know where I got it from.
This works for my desktop and VR settings in VaM and I'm releasing it as I just saw this https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/panic-button-on-off.3001/ and this session plugin might prove useful for some of you.