Clothing ReWrapper

Plugins Clothing ReWrapper

  • Optimized wrapping with Octree
  • Added option that allows the re-wrapper to interrupt import and use its fast wrapper instead.
  • Symmetry selection support for Male
  • Added ability to save/load selected skin triangle set
  • Added configurable keybinds for select/deselect
  • Can now modify creator item directly (no more 'preview' atom)
  • Minor fixes
    • More resilient to switching character and clothing
      • I wouldn't test it too much though...
    • Fixed a few startup crashes

Thank you to @mopedlampe, @WeebUVR, and others for providing feedback.

Big updates leave lots of room for new bugs. Please flag them as you see them! ?

  • Added configurable selection area, based on triangle adjacency.
    • 1687840911578.png1687841227322.png
    • Limited at 100 for now, though it gets quite slow at that point.
    • Overlap between preview and selected area now colored black.
  • A few internal performance improvements
Didn't quite get material selection working. Will hopefully get that out tomorrow.
I had to rush this one so it might be a little rough. Hopefully this update does more good than harm.
  • Added symmetric selection for the skin
  • Added an 'inverted' mode, where it will wrap to everything BUT the selected vertices
  • Added an initial version of cloth selection, which allows specifying which cloth vertices to re-wrap (rather than all)
  • Running the re-wrapper without anything selected will just wrap with no constraints.
  • Littered the code with ungodly heresies that'll need to be cleaned up later.
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