- After a ton of trial & error, help from Claude AI, i think i finally nailed a good plugin for Animating Rigged CUAs.
The plugin can be loaded into any atom control, preferably an empty CUA or Empty Atom to be the main control point
of the selected bone / item.
- Plugin has two modes of parenting:
--Normal (default): The selected target bone becomes the child of the plugin's Atom Control.
--Reverse Parenting: The selected target bone becomes the parent of the plugin's Atom Control.
-- then from these two you either choose ''Hard parenting'' or uncheck it to use ''Soft parenting'' and control the smoothness with ''sync speed''
- Can parent & snap the selected bone from the scene to the plugin container atom for animation in timeline, what's great about this plugin is that you can have all the control points for CUA bones added to the Person Timeline instance so you can animate everything in the scene just from the Person Timeline menu, it will not break after scene re-load don't worry
- ''Hard parenting'' + Normal Parent feature to snap the bones quickly without physics to support Person pose changes in timeline.
- Can snap the plugin's container atom to the selected bone in the scene using Reverse parenting,
for fluid effects or sticking things to animated CUAs bones
- Can snap CUAs to person's bone, for example hand held toys or rigid clothing like hats & heels etc.. with no frame lag!
X,Y,Z offsets are only for this use (Reverse Parenting) and they have no effect on the normal parent mode.
- Can save CUA clothing items as a CUA preset, they'll load with the plugin and parent in the last configured place.
- ''Sync Speed'' is only working when ''Hard Parenting'' is turned off, let's you have that interpolated smooth parenting.
- The ''transition weight'' is not functional yet, it's not important as the use case is subjective to a specific CUA rig so i'll make it work later on.
- Can Use the regular smoothed parenting and adjust the sync speed from 0-10 to simulate picking things up towards person's hands etc..
- Here a demo video showing all possible use cases:
(The CUA Assets we're used for example only, They're not included with the plugin)
- Enjoy!
And let me know if you find any bugs! Although i've tested it intensively, I could've missed something so it'll be helpful if you can report back any issues found in the discussion forum!
The plugin can be loaded into any atom control, preferably an empty CUA or Empty Atom to be the main control point
of the selected bone / item.
- Plugin has two modes of parenting:
--Normal (default): The selected target bone becomes the child of the plugin's Atom Control.
--Reverse Parenting: The selected target bone becomes the parent of the plugin's Atom Control.
-- then from these two you either choose ''Hard parenting'' or uncheck it to use ''Soft parenting'' and control the smoothness with ''sync speed''
- Can parent & snap the selected bone from the scene to the plugin container atom for animation in timeline, what's great about this plugin is that you can have all the control points for CUA bones added to the Person Timeline instance so you can animate everything in the scene just from the Person Timeline menu, it will not break after scene re-load don't worry
- ''Hard parenting'' + Normal Parent feature to snap the bones quickly without physics to support Person pose changes in timeline.
- Can snap the plugin's container atom to the selected bone in the scene using Reverse parenting,
for fluid effects or sticking things to animated CUAs bones
- Can snap CUAs to person's bone, for example hand held toys or rigid clothing like hats & heels etc.. with no frame lag!
X,Y,Z offsets are only for this use (Reverse Parenting) and they have no effect on the normal parent mode.
- Can save CUA clothing items as a CUA preset, they'll load with the plugin and parent in the last configured place.
- ''Sync Speed'' is only working when ''Hard Parenting'' is turned off, let's you have that interpolated smooth parenting.
- The ''transition weight'' is not functional yet, it's not important as the use case is subjective to a specific CUA rig so i'll make it work later on.
- Can Use the regular smoothed parenting and adjust the sync speed from 0-10 to simulate picking things up towards person's hands etc..
- Here a demo video showing all possible use cases:
(The CUA Assets we're used for example only, They're not included with the plugin)
- Enjoy!