It has issues but this is the best contribution that has been made to VAM since AcidBubble's timeline, which by and large it replaces with IMO a better approach and a ton of other features.
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This is the best plugin for every purpose. Thank u!!! Please also add kissing feature.
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One of the best plugins!
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This is a MUST GO Plugin for me in every scene and now more and more I´ve been learning how to use every option. You have taken VAM to another level. Thanks man!
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there isn't a single other asset on this site that i get more excited to read update logs for. ❤️ great work on the FAQ, and the new Movements feature is just–wow!
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Wow! This keeps getting better and better. I just started using the gaze function and it's amazing. I used BodyLanguage in my last couple releases and I'll probably use it with most of my future ones. And I still haven't explored all of it's capabilities. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this.
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Very nice plugin!
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The addition of Gazing is so freakin' awesome. Exactly the addition to the Plug-In that I've been waiting for.
Thanks VikLamant!
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One of the best plugins to have ever been created.
I'm glad you like it that much :)
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I put this plug in into almost EVERY SCENE i look at it.
Thanks! :)
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Thank you Schnitzl :)
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Thank you Chessy for your recommendations.

I completely revised my version. Great. Gain in FPS With FocusOnMe. More fluid. and a lot fewer plugins. Once you start to know your plugins, it's easy ;-).
Even for a French person who doesn't speak English :-)
I'm looking forward to your new version for managing the PoseMe plugins in VR and penis Xray vision :-)
sorry for the translation, I use a translator ;-) Thank you again for your work and your involvement
Thanks for the review! I'm glad I could be helpful in improving your sene. Just remember: less is more. And usually BodyLanguage is enough ;)
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The best Vam creator. His plugins have changed this game forever. I think there are many people who just waited for Vam2, but got back to Vam1 after seeing what this can do. Along with timeline,vammoan and few others, the best plugin ever created for Vam. The results are insane and not even remotely possible previously.
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UN f'ing believable!! This needs to be an integrated part of VAM 2. You are VAMing in the dark if you aren't using this sorcerer's stuff. Can not believe this is free. Can we get this guy a nobel prize or something?
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I can't even go a day without using Cheesy's BodyLanguage plugin, along with ShakeIt, and FreeTheLegs. They add so much to all of my scenes! I tried using a scene without any of Cheesy's plugins, and it just felt so... wrong. Thank you for continuing to work on this, and always sharing it freely with the community! Love your work!
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this resource is game changing !!!
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Fantastic plugin; can be used as plug and play, and, if you so like, you can make your own little movie easy cheesy. Thank you for your tremendous effort and continuous updates.
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