I hope someone can create tutorial for dummy like me
A wiki is already planed. But you can hava a lot of fun with this if you just plug and play. :)
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The throat bulging feature is pretty cool!
Thank you, sir!
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very nice work. how do I turn off the floating red hearts and lips?
Go to ReadMyLips/Ahegao and untick "Emotes Enabled". Thanks for the review!
Upvote 3
The addition of the input cap is greatly appreciated!
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Your plugin is the best and it's opening up a new world for me. Thanks!
Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)
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WOah ! Bravo and thank you... better with each update! It clearly deserves a sixth star!
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The eye shaking during orgasm is a great touch!
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Nice Plugin thats easy up Scene.... Missing Throat Sound for BJ and Parameter for Open Vag and Anus like AutoBulger Plugin too Adjust petite Actors for Bigger Boys... don´t know if it is in but Trigger or Parameter for Painfull Expressions or athoer like Ahegao would be nice.... But it´s help a lot and reduce the Plugins Counter a lot :)
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What's the loudest sound in the world? A physics explosion with slaps enabled.
Just another 5 stars for an amazing plugin.
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Cheesy's Plugins are literally the only plugins i have saved in bookmarks and check daily for updates. Implementation has been genius and automation has been game changing.
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Amazing and essential!
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I haven't even tried it yet but I have full faith that the new breathing system is gonna be great
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Bodylanguage plugin has redefined how incredible VaM can be. A must have plugin from a creator who is becoming one of the most impressive.
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must have plugin
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Awesome awesome plugin, that became essential in my book :)
Thanks for your hard work Cheesy!
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Fell in love with the plug-in somewhere around v25 or v26. Outstanding work and thanks for the share!
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That's great. It'll save us a lot of work. Thank you so much
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The best just got better! Wow, we literally just chatted about this. I didn't expect the addition so quickly and so well executed! Thank you!
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Can't believe I never rated Body Language. It's great and CheesyFX is Awesome????
So are you, garneeva <3 Thanks for the review :)
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It's cool to see that pussy slaps can now be disabled, as "extreme" positions sometimes caused the pussy slaps to go off for me when I had something in the girl's ass
I suspect that your issues have been caused by the faulty penetration detection. While penetrating the penis can not produce any pussy slaps, but if it's not it will. I think this should be fixed now. Just try to enable them again and get back to me if it still produces unwanted slaps. Check, if there's an actual penetration happening (debug tab).
Thanks for the review :)
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