Ariana Lavellan

Looks Ariana Lavellan

Small updates to both look and scenes:

- Disabled Anti Aliasing and DoF so you can actually view them in VR without throwing up.

- Added genital morphs. I just completely forgot about these when packing the look.
- Added a new morph / preset with a slightly more realistic look (smaller eyes in particular):


Might be hard to notice in screenshots, but it does make a big difference in some scenes and VR.
The new appearance preset is called "Ariana_Alternative." I still kept the old look as the standard one for the scenes.
This will propably be the last update for a while. I really hope I didn't break or forget anything this time...
For some reason it uploaded 2 versions to the Hub, hopefully fixed now... Sorry!
More emissive stuff! Here you g(l)o(w)!
Check the description for a quick video tutorial.

From some angles (like when she looks to the side), there might be some issues with the eye shadows.
If you don't like the glowing eyes, you can just remove the "Eye Reflections" clothing piece and load the glowing tattoos as usual.

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