
Plugins AnimationPoser

Man, just reading the concept ... I've had a similar idea bouncing in my head for over a year, but wasn't able to either comprehensively explain it to MacGruber, or code it myself.

And now you serve it up on a platter, you wonderful genius!
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Realy easy to use (once you get the hang of it) . Great way of reusing animations and in my opinion a lot easier to use than timeline. Ju add a starting state, the end state and press play.
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I specifically registered to say to the author, "This is great!"
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Thank you very much for your efforts, I admire your passion and imagination and take action to realize it.
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My to-go animation plugin. Thanks for all the hard work!
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Haven't played around a lot, but it works very nicely. I made similar randomized states using state machine from Logic Bricks, but this is much faster and easier. Great job.
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This is awesome!
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awesome work
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amazing!!!! i will keep watching
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Amazing plugin, easy to set up once you understand the basics. Thaks to the randomisation animations feel dynamic.
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Hi, this seems really cool, Could you please upload a video tutorial for this?
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a lot promising, I hope I can use at least some elementary functions considering even my chronic personal very (very) basic skill when loading our good acid-timeline plugin. Thanks for sharing it!
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Very nice! This should help simplify some of the animation process and randomness is great.
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Excellent work. But this definitely need tutorial or at minimum some video tutorial on YT
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Do the tutorial
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This seems great, but after HUB-download I will probably not find it. Lol :)
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Simply amazing
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Hello i can't download the plugin, + the wiki isn't working are this still in development ?
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No info on how to use. Might actually be awesome.
Sample scenes, tutorials and demos are coming.

If you are TOO lost, check IdlePoser's manual.

Quick starter:

1- Add an animation
2- Add a layer
3- Go to captures tab and add controllers you want to animate
4- Go to state tab and add a state
5 (optional) - If you don't want to repeat steps 1,2,3,4 ever again, save the animation as it is right now, then just load it next time
6- Add another state
7- Change the position of the controller
8- Click "Capture State" in state tab
9- Go to transitions tab, add a transition between the states. Now click the "IN" box to make it two-directional
10- Go to the play tab and watch the controller go back and forth between the two states

Seems a lot just to see things happening? Don't worry, because with these 10 steps you already learned 90% of the plugin functionality, and the amount of extremely powerful stuff you can do with these simple building blocks is baffling.
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