• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts WindControl++

New version of my WindControl+ plugin, rewritten from scratch.

The logic was changed in order to apply the wind force to any rigidbody, cloth or hair element in the scene (in theory also clothes on CUA).
For this reason I decided to treat is as a separate plugin.

The drop down lists all the Atoms that have Rigidbodies on them, selecting an Atom makes all the sub elements show on the right side of the menu.
The plugin allows to enable the wind on multiple Atoms at the same time, switching to a different atom does not disable the other ones.

Each sub element can be enabled and the mobility can be tuned in the right side of the menu. The mobility is now multiplied to the force, hence an higher value means an higher force.

This plugin seems to perform 5/10% better than the old one.

# Here's a rundown of the functions on the left side of the menu.

## Drop down
- Lists all atoms that have Rigidbodies in them

## Toggles
- Auto adapt parameters: the plugins adapts automatically minWindMagnitude, Wind Period and Wind Quickness depending on the Wind Strength.
- Randomize currentWindMagnitude: the value of currentWindMagnitute randomically changes between minWindMagnitude and Wind Strength.
- Wind Oscillation: currentMagnitude oscillates between the ranges [minValue, midValue] and [midValue,maxVlue]
- Radial Wind: the wind direction is a normalized vector pointing from the Atom hosting the plugin to each rigidbody, cloth and hair
- Wind Direction: inverts the wind direction
- Strength by Atom speed: intensity of the linear and angular motion of the Atom hosting the plugin determines the Wind Strength value. Only works with an Atom that has mass.
- Wind distance decay: The wind strength depends on the distance from the Atom hosting the plugin

## Sliders
- currentWindMagnitude: Actual wind force applied, the value changes in fixed time intervals and is interpolated in time
- minWindMagnitude: minimum possible value for currentWindMagnitude
- minWindMagnitude ratio: if "Auto Adapt parameters" is enabled, determines the minWindMagnitude value by multiplying its value to the Wind Strength
- Wind Strength: main slider that determines the Max possible currentWindMagnitude
- Wind Period: determines the time interval to change the currentWindMagnitude value
- Wind Quickness: speed of how currentWindMagnitude changes between intervals
- Direction Variance: determines how random noise affects wind direction
- Wind Oscillation Randomness: the higher, the closer to min and max currentmagnitude oscillates
- Wind decay ratio: how fast the wind dies by the distance, higher value means shorter range.
- Min Wind Decay range: minimum range in which the wind does not decrease
- Strength by Atom speed Mult: Multiplier to increase the Wind Speed if "Strength by Atom speed"

# Here's a rundown of the elements on the right side:
- Atom Enabled toggle: first toggle of the list, enables or disables all the other toggles for the Atom
- Atom Mobility slider(Dark grey colored): first slider of the list, determines mobility for all the rigidbodies of the Atom
- Hair toggles and slider (acqua colored): the first toggle is to enable the hair, the second toggle is to enable or disable its painted rigidity, the slider changes its mobility
- Clothes toggle and slider (yellow colored): the toggle enables the cloth, the slider changes its mobility
- Rigidbody toggle and slider (blue colored): the toggle enables the Rigidbody, the slider changes its mobility

# How to use the plugin
- Create an empty atom (Misc>Empty) or a Shape, any atom works but I recommend an atom that is convenient to move and rotate
- Select the atom and click the Plugin tab
- Click "Add Plugin", click "Select file" and select "WindControl.cs"
- Click "Open Custom UI..." to access the plugin controls
- Select an Atom in the drop down
- Enable the sub elements you want the wind to affects
- Change the "Wind Strength" value to increase the wind
- Tune the other controls as needed

# Tips and Tricks
- I strongly recommend increasing cloth and hair physics iterations to max for the best simulation (cloth/hair > Customize > Iterations)
- If you plan to use Painted rigidity function for the hair props, make sure to set the hair to move properly with and without painted rigidity enabled
- For the best hair simulation I recommend setting "Style rigidity tip" to 0 and "style rigidity main" to 0 or a very small value

# Known issues
I tried to resolve any issue I found so far, so there's no real known issues. However I'm sure there's other issues I haven't encountered.
Please let me know and I'll try to address them asap.

# Demo Video
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0.01 MB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.4

    - Fixes incorrect distance calculation for radial wind falloff on rigidbodies - Rearranges UI...
  2. Version 1.3

    - Fixes incorrect behavior when "randomize currentWindMagnitude" is disabled
  3. Version 1.2

    Implements Further performance improvements and memory usage improvements Fixes bugs preventing...

Latest reviews

Nice to meet you, your plugin brings my videos to life. Appreciate it, thank you so much.
Thank you
Upvote 0
Great plugin, it can really "blow" some variety and additional life into characters.
Thank you
Upvote 0
As with WindControl+, this plugin is very useful to add a dynamic look to still images, and not just to animate scenes. It helps to make control net source images like depth maps for AI image generation.
thank you
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Those skirts now will fly away with a 5/10% boost to performance!
Upvote 1
Big fan of the last one, big fan of this one, thanks for sharing it with us mate !!
Glad you like it
Upvote 1
Thank you SO MUCH for this. I used the old WindControl for everything, so seeing it get a loving new refresh is excellent.
Thank you :)
Upvote 1
Thank you! I've always loved your Wind plugins!
Thank you for your nice comment
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