• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts LieDownPlay

This plugin helps you lie down and play VR in VAM.

Although I have made a lot of efforts on this, it is not perfect (such as not compatible with Embody) and sometimes produces some strange results.
Future updates may not be able to solve these problems. Because in a sense. This is in conflict with the basic logic of the game.


When playing VAM in VR. Have you ever considered lying down and playing? This will greatly reduce the pressure on the neck when we play.

VAM ontologies do not have this option. So in order to solve this problem. I developed this plugin (the plugin idea came from one of my supporters, thanks).

Supported functions:

1. lie down (on the bed or on the sofa, etc.), then open plugin interface and click "Align LieDown View". The conversion process is completed automatically

2. After entering LieDown Mode, all operations(move, rotate . etc) are exactly the same as the original operation of VAM.

3. you can Switch between the two modes any time with "Align LieDown View" and "Reset Rotation".

4.(Addition Function)Teleport function in VR (lying down/not lying down).

If you have more needs or questions, please feel free to give me feedback.

Creadit :
- MacGrubber - thanks for making MacGrubber_Utils.cs, very useful script
Total Size
0.01 MB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

More resources from PluginIdea

Latest updates

  1. Add related events to support external triggering.

    At that suggestion of supporter,Add related events to support external triggering.
  2. Change it to free.

    Change it to free.
  3. Updated plug-in description, added demo videos and plug-in screenshots

    At the request of supporters, more detailed plug-in description information has been added.

Latest reviews

Upvote 0
Great plugin for someone like me with extreme back pain. Your a life saver. Any chance your working on updates?
Upvote 1
Took a few tries to master re-orienting my scene's but its so nice to just lie back and relax and enjoy. Great work!
Upvote 1
this is amazing, i can only play vr for a few hours due to the pressure and discomfort, with this i can place it on my face lying down without any straps on. plus this feels like sword art online a bit
Upvote 1
for some one with a spine injury and not able to even sit up half the time this has helped allot in while using vam
Upvote 1
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