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Plugins LieDownPlay 2022-04-22

At the request of supporters, more detailed plug-in description information has been added.
This update is mainly aimed at the bug of user feedback mentioned in the previous progress report.

1. The first problem has not found a good way to set up automatically for the time being. Therefore, it is still recommended that users like discussion:


reset standing pose after your liedown.

2.The issue of holding the joystick and dragging the camera suddenly flying out of control has been fully fixed. The joystick now operates in the same way as the VAM.
After a period of time, now the update of LieDownPlay has come.
1. Now when you lie down and play VAM, the move and rotate etc.. operation is exactly the same as the original operation of VAM.
2. Now lying down and playing can not only rotate 90 degrees, you can also play half-lying down. I have now added an automatic view alignment function. When you lie down at a certain angle, as long as you press automatic alignment, it will automatically calculate the angle that the camera should rotate and set it automatically.
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