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Buy payed content (subscription) in bulk?


New member
Is there such an option? Will it be impemented?
Im ready to buy payed content, but I dont want to subscribe on lots of different creators (it is costly, not all content I like)
But, I will pay lets say 20-30 USD a mounth for 10-20 creators (I dont even wont to know who they are). I beleive there will lots of ppl like me.

sry for my english, im not natieve english speaking person.
Is there such an option? Will it be impemented?
Im ready to buy payed content, but I dont want to subscribe on lots of different creators (it is costly, not all content I like)
But, I will pay lets say 20-30 USD a mounth for 10-20 creators (I dont even wont to know who they are). I beleive there will lots of ppl like me.

sry for my english, im not natieve english speaking person.
It can't be done. Paid content is purely at the discretion of the creator, and each creator has their own pricing for their content. It's a can of worms that would be nigh impossible to manage and keep everyone happy.
I can understand you so much Misima .

A lot of content you get here is fested with external payware dependencies
while you can never trust that what you see in a screenshot will ever look like that once you finished to
Lego your current fav look then having paid this and that for just a pair of pants.

You cannot just buy this and that clothing or asset. You are forced to subscribe to a entire external
creators catalouge which can be up to 10 EUR a month to just receive a Shirt or underwear you need to complete that single look or scene.

VAM Creators often work / team up together in using payware from this and that other creator.
So they can use their stuff for free while you have to sign this and that creator then to receive a full look.

If it would be only just that you would pay for the things and then launch your look and be amazed, nope.
Majority look content displayed here or at reddit never matches their advertised screenshots once you open them.
While it would be so easy for each creator to just include that pose / lights / scenery with 1 click.
So most of the time you also need to Re-Lego your Scene if you want it to look like you saw it as being advertised.

I signed up a lot of pay creators last year and this current year and 90% of them, even beside the pay dependencies, deliver
so bad quality including the often lack of support.
Sometimes you even need to re colourize the clothings you paid for because the look creator
has been too lazy to include all settings in the released look VAR.

So having that chaos with VAM payware and sametime so often lack of creators passion in delivering content "as seen " ...

Yes, i would appreciate a VAM Shop where people can trust that what they pay for is looking as it has been shown.
The rest can just continue doing their shady business while the majority would feel safe because there would be a control .

Also the trusted VAM creators could sure profit from a subscription like access from each other.
If a creator uses a catalouge of other creators assets such could be mirco transaction wise paid back to the clothing / asset creator.
For me this is the only honest acceptable future of VAM dependencies content distribution.

Finally you would buy one look / scene and you wouldn't have to care anymore about the dependencies because such would be included from scratch.
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It can't be done. Paid content is purely at the discretion of the creator, and each creator has their own pricing for their content. It's a can of worms that would be nigh impossible to manage and keep everyone happy.

Probably massively reaching, but couldn't Vam itself create a store? Aside from giving better purchasing options on the consumer end, it would allow them to specifically curate content where they don't wind up with another Crazy3Dmodeler or people just taking assets from games or stuff other people own and changing for them. Or more to the point, quality content rather than people who just discovered they can charge for a thing, so why not?

From the jist of sitting in the background reading Discord there also seems to be a problem with users stealing textures and morphs from other users.
Bundling Content and selling a certain month (or timeframe) package or a standardized collection for certain scenes package would be so much more user friendly.
I have no problem with paying for content but subscribing to 15 different people and on top scrolling down endless walls patreon posts to download every single piece of content one by one ist just incredibly tedious and there have to be better ways.
Probably massively reaching, but couldn't Vam itself create a store?
I believe that this is on Meshed's radar, particularly for 2.X onwards.

Bundling Content and selling a certain month (or timeframe) package or a standardized collection for certain scenes package would be so much more user friendly.
I have no problem with paying for content but subscribing to 15 different people and on top scrolling down endless walls patreon posts to download every single piece of content one by one ist just incredibly tedious and there have to be better ways.
No one's debating you having no problem paying for it. The issue is creators getting their "fair share". The "can of worms" I was referring to, can involve (but not limited to) creators needing to subscribe to a standardised fee structure, which could cause conflict of creators wanting their share of the pie. It could cause "head-butting" because creators would feel disincentivised when they feel their content is being undervalued because they're not getting a big enough share that they think they deserve.

I didn't want to flesh that out, but I'm sure you can see where else this could lead.
I believe that this is on Meshed's radar, particularly for 2.X onwards.

Unless I've miseed a post somwhere, i think you're mistaken. Meshed has said in the past he has absolutely no interest in the headache and responsibility involved in running an online store.
Unless I've miseed a post somwhere, i think you're mistaken. Meshed has said in the past he has absolutely no interest in the headache and responsibility involved in running an online store.
Ok cool so that was definitely ruled out. I knew some things were (not happen), and other ideas were simply "maybe" at best, but couldn't recall which this one was under.
I was thinking that most of the issues listed here are due to the fact that Paid content has to be hosted externally, and that implies that there is no info on the Hub about the dependencies unless the creator manually describes them.

I totally understand why MeshedVR wouldn't go with the hassle of a Hub-hosted store. But maybe there are other options that could prevent or reduce those troubles.

If the "Dependencies" tab would be available for Paid content, people could see if it is badly packaged or if other Paid content is required.
For instance, couldn't it be added a mandatory field when posting Paid content, requiring something that allows to deduce the required dependencies?
  • The safest option would be to ask for the whole package: the Hub currently work with that to deduce dependencies, so it might be the easiest to implement? But admittedly that may be confusing for new creators, since they'll be asked to upload a package that won't be downloadable from the Hub.
  • The JSON files only could be asked. The meta.json file is not enough is some cases, so this would be pretty tedious and technical.
  • It could ask for the ".var.depend.txt" file. I know the Hub is not using that to deduce dependencies, but it could be the easiest way to add the info quite reliably (yes it could be easily manually altered, but it can also be done with a meta.json file).
  • Or maybe VAM 2.x could come with a specific file dedicated to this, if the ".var.depend.txt" is not convenient enough for this use.
I was thinking that most of the issues listed here are due to the fact that Paid content has to be hosted externally, and that implies that there is no info on the Hub about the dependencies unless the creator manually describes them.

I totally understand why MeshedVR wouldn't go with the hassle of a Hub-hosted store. But maybe there are other options that could prevent or reduce those troubles.

If the "Dependencies" tab would be available for Paid content, people could see if it is badly packaged or if other Paid content is required.
For instance, couldn't it be added a mandatory field when posting Paid content, requiring something that allows to deduce the required dependencies?
  • The safest option would be to ask for the whole package: the Hub currently work with that to deduce dependencies, so it might be the easiest to implement? But admittedly that may be confusing for new creators, since they'll be asked to upload a package that won't be downloadable from the Hub.
  • The JSON files only could be asked. The meta.json file is not enough is some cases, so this would be pretty tedious and technical.
  • It could ask for the ".var.depend.txt" file. I know the Hub is not using that to deduce dependencies, but it could be the easiest way to add the info quite reliably (yes it could be easily manually altered, but it can also be done with a meta.json file).
  • Or maybe VAM 2.x could come with a specific file dedicated to this, if the ".var.depend.txt" is not convenient enough for this use.
This is already happening, just check dependencies tab for any current paid resource. Paid content requires submission (though it is not saved on the hub) for it to be posted so dependencies are being generated from that.
This is already happening, just check dependencies tab for any current paid resource. Paid content requires submission (though it is not saved on the hub) for it to be posted so dependencies are being generated from that.
Yes, the update has been made a while ago, a great improvement! I don't know if that has improved the packaging quality of paid content, but it certainly allows users to make better choices
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