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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Question Assets?

My question would be then... How come some asset packs dont automatically appear in the add asset menu.. we always see the buildings and the chairs, lamps, things like that that are stock with VaM. but where do I find created assets like wings that should be in the clothing section. or the furniture bundle someone might be looking for from a patron pledge that is mia... they should automatically be tagged in that asset upload section and load up to be available there cuz they are assets... I mean. Im not looking for Looks in the pluggins or hair section. why do i have to dig around for my assets?
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How come some asset packs dont automatically appear in the add asset menu.. we always see the buildings and the chairs, lamps, things like that that are stock with VaM. but where do I find created assets like wings that should be in the clothing section. or the furniture bundle someone might be looking for from a patron pledge that is mia... they should automatically be tagged in that asset upload section and load up to be available there cuz they are assets...
...why do i have to dig around for my assets?
-you can't find custom unity asset (CUA) inside clothing section (example: wings, heels, glasses...), they are not clothing items (same applies for CUA hair)
-those "asset menus"(atom menu) are vam pre-built (and not the same "menu" as clothing/hairstyle/morphs...)
-any custom asset you have to load using "Misc/CustomUnityAsset" atom
-if they are var packaged correctly load them (search for) same way you load plugins (you look for "X" package on left and pick asset to load)
-problem is with lazy creators that upload "loose" assetbundles without any folder structure, just inside plain zip
(than you have to look for them if they are not placed inside correct Assets folder..or if it's .vac package than assets are located inside that scene folder)
-also if asset is not var packaged other creators have to redistribute original asset inside own package
(so..no dependencies/reference to original creator..but duplicates instead)

tbh i don't know why users have so much freedom with hub uploads
[example: .vacs or .zips (that includes only .json or .assetbundle), there should be var only upload restriction, except maybe for guides/other categories...
also no external hosting on free section, unless exceeding upload limit]
...i mean you rarely see creators upload clothes/hairstyles that are not var packaged...so idk why it's too much to ask for assets to be shared in "user-friendly" way
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:) Thanks! thats a lot to know.. Ill be sure to look for all my stuff where you mentioned then!

there is a set of wings and some heels and glasses that did end up in my clothes so thats why I thought there'd be a good place to look for others. Im not sure how they did that, but, yeah. I guess it depends on the creator.
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I am the boring guy always who talk about the "history" of VaM. ;)
In the beginning there was only some build-in stuff. No way to add custom things.
All the stuff like skins, assets(atoms), clothes, hair, were at some more or less logically structured sub-menues.
Then we have got the ability to add custom stuff. Slowly, one thing after another.
The menue structure was changed a bit from time-to-time, new options were added, but those old structures never were removed completely.
This is why we have some redundancy in VaM and sometimes confusing ways to do something.
Instead of endlessly repearing all the old things, the creators of VaM have decided to make a clear cut and to create a future brand new version. For this, we all have desperately waiting for during the last year.

For instance: you can find the build-in skins in the "skin select tab", but to add custom skin textures, you have to go to the "skin texture tab". You can also add skins by using "Load look" or "skin preset" or "apperance preset"...

-Clothing is stuff that is imported to fit a male or female person. This can be skirts or socks, or even wings and tails.
Unfortunately those clothes can be heavily distorted by using different looks and morphs. They are connected to a person and will scale with the person for a certain ammount, aso

-Assets or better Custom Unity Assets are static objects, sometimes even with "baked-in" animations and lights. This are independent objects, that are not or only loosely connected to anything. This can be whole environments or... smaller things like wings or tails. They will not scale with a person and are clumsy to use, but also will not be distorted by using looks and morphs.

-An "Atom" is called every separate functional object you can add to a scene. A person is an atom, a custom unity asset is an atom, a light source is an atom, a trigger is an atom, aso. You can drag around and arrange them freely inside your scene.

For this historical reasons, you have all the previously build-in furnitures, floors, environments and stuff in separate sections of the atom-menue, but only a single one for adding a Person or adding a Custom Unity Asset. Clothing, skins and hair is something you add to a person-atom, so it is a sub-menue from the person-main-menue...

This and other similar things, are something that is very confusing at start. VaM has a steep learning curve, but once you have mastered the main functions, it is great fun. I promise! ;)
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As Long as we talking about the History of VaM... was the developer associated with Real Girl VR? the Terrain and Beach patio environment we get in the free pack is the same area in that other game... not a complaint but an observation. Just wondering who made that area first. It would seem that VaM is a considerable step up from what they were able to do that back then though.

I did find all the assets I had been looking for now too. and yes.. It took me a while to find the wings because they were really tiny compared to the rest of my scene lol.

Previously I had been trying to do this kind of thing with Make Human and the BML lab in blender, but to be honest. this is hands down the best software for this ive ever found.
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was the developer associated with Real Girl VR? the Terrain and Beach patio environment we get in the free pack is the same area in that other game.

Pretty sure this is a case of both developers buying and using the same assets. Neither of them created them. Vam was released several years before RealGirl, and was in development for a couple of years before that.
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:) then this gives me an idea for a scene...... Well. an improvement of an oldy, but a goodie then. One last question. Its not related to this topic, but since you two respond. Can you import Animations from Cascadeur or Mixamo straight into Vam? Id rather import them into here than redo them in VaM. although other day I did figure out how to adjust a walk animation and found the "walk to here" plug in. Id like to walk to here, trigger an animation. walk to here, trigger an other animation. and walk randomly around an area to different animation triggers. thanks!
Lastly.. I use Unreal engine latly, can environments be imported from there too? The Material Package on the hub dont work for me, and I tried swapping out Mats for the Jacuzzi room. but it was difficult to see where custom textures were supposed to go. took me 3 mins to do in unreal...
This was very helpful!
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You can import animations into VaM in the popular BVH formate. For this you will need the BVH Player plugin.
Maybe you can rip the animations from those two apps (I don't know them), and maybe you can convert them.

You can import nearly every 3d mesh into VaM by using Unity. There are some tutorials for this.
It is a bit time consumpting but not very difficult.
By using some ripping tools, you can maybe get meshes from many other games. But always mind the copyright!

I don't know the Unreal engine very good, and therefore I don't know your issues with cross-sharing stuff.
The Unreal- specific file formats most likely won't work for Unity and vice-versa. I bet I would have the very same problems when going from Unity to Unreal.
If you can't find a tutorial on Google, then you maybe have to use the meshes and materials and re-build the scene in Unity. Maybe there is an exporter plugin?
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Yes, you can import animation from Mixamo, but not directly. The way is : from Mixamo to Blender - In Blender make BVH file - Import BVH to Vam with plugin.
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