Person Auto Behaviors
As of V1.22.0.0 the Auto Behaviors tab was split into three separate tabs.
Auto Systems Tab
“Auto Systems” tab. This is where you find the various automatic controls built into the Person Atom.
”Auto Expressions” Randomly change the values on the two morph targets.
“Flirting” and “Smile Full Face” between 0.1 and 0.5. This gives the model a little life to their face so it doesn't appear so static.
While this is active the two active morph targets can not be manually adjusted or animated.
”Auto Blink” Randomly triggers the two morph targets “Eyelids Top Down Left” and “Eyelids Top Down Right” from 0-0.5 and back again to simulate blinking.
These two morph targets can not be manually adjusted or animated whether toggled on or off.
This gif example demonstrates the cumulative effect of Auto Expressions, Blink and looking at the Player as a target.
”Auto Jaw Mouth Morphs” work when audio is being played through the “HeadAudioSource”. It will animate the “Mouth Open Wide” morph target based on volume and length of the clip played. While this is active the morph target can not be manually adjusted and shouldn’t be animated, the values will be affected in unexpected ways.
”Auto Eyelids Morphs” affects eight separate eyelid morphs “Eyelids Bottom Down Left/Right”, “Eyelids Bottom Up Left/Right”, Eyelids Top Down Left/Right”, and “Eyelids Top Up Left/Right” to give the person atom a more natural effect when looking around.
This gif demonstrates the difference between having this toggled on(left side) and off (right side).
”Auto Leg Bend Fix Morphs” toggle several hidden morphs that soften the curve of the glute when the model is bending down.
”Auto Breast In/Out Morphs” This automates the two morph targets “Breast Impact Front1 Left/Right” to accentuate the breast dynamics to appear more natural when the model bends over or while being touched.
”Auto Female Genital/Anus Morphs” This toggles on several hidden morphs that accentuate the shape of the female Genitals and Anal region while being penetrated.
”Auto Male Genital/Anus Morphs” This toggles on the “OpenXXL” morph to automatically open/close the Male Anal region when penetrated.
Eye Control Tab
“Eye Control” Tab. This is where you find all the options related to the Person Atoms eyes and look at options.
“Look At set to None turns off all controls here and allows controlling eye transforms directly with plugin”
”Eyes Look At” This drop down gives you several options for how the Person Atom’s eyes function:
”None” Turns off all eye controls and allows controlling eye transforms directly with a plugin.
”Player” Sets the eyes to always follow the player in VR or the View Camera on desktop.
”Target” Sets the eyes to follow the “Person: Eye Target Control” which is represented by the "eye" icon in the scene.
”Custom” Allows you to choose any Atom within the scene for the Person Atom to look at.
When selected the following options will appear in the Eye Control panel.
”Target Atom” which offers a drop down list of the Atom options available within the scene.
”Target Control” Lists the available controls to connect to on the selected Atom.
”Max Outwards Angle” Changes how far out to the side the Person’s Eyes will rotate.
”Max Inwards Angle” Changes how far inward the eyes will rotate.
”Max Down Angle” Limits how far upwards the eyes will look.
”Max Up Angle”Changes how far upwards the eyes will look.
”Min Engage Distance” This adjusts how close the selected look-at target will be before the Person Atom stops looking at it.
By default (0.1) the object is very close to the Atom’s face. Higher numbers push it further away.
This example has the Min Engage Distance set to be 0.5.
The Person Atom stops looking at the ball as it moves within that range.
”Look Speed” This adjusts how quickly the eyes will move to follow the selected target.
The following options adjust the angle of the eyes as they focus on the target. In the gif examples provided below the target itself is not moving.
The eyes are demonstrating the offset affect the adjustments have on the eyes themselves.
”Left/Right Angle Adjust” This changes the left and right angle of the eyes in relation to its target.
"Up/Down Angle Adjust” Adjusts the up and down angle of the eyes.
”Diverge/Converge Angle Adjust” Adjusts the Divergence and Convergence angle of the eyes in relation to its target.
”Look At Depth Adjust” Is a much more subtle change of the Divergence and Convergence angle of the eye, giving the Person Atom the appearance of greater focus on the target.
Lip Sync Tab
“Lip Sync” Tab added in V1.22.0.0 Is a new high-performance (threaded) and high-quality lip-sync system.
Be aware that this tab works in conjunction with the audio settings in the “Jaw Physics & Triggers” Tab.
“Enabled” Off by default. Toggling this "On" will enable the new built-in lip syncing system. It is "Off" by default so that it does not conflict with any third party plugin present inside any preexisting scenes.
Be aware that this does not toggle off the Audio drive system in the “Jaw Physics & Triggers” Tab.
”Volume” This bar gives you feedback of the audio levels as you adjust volume settings during playback.
Here is an example of the volume bar in action during audio playback in game.
”Time Between Sampling” From 0-0.150 tenths of a second this sets the time between audio samples that the lip sync attempts to solve for a Viseme morph.
Depending on how fast or slow you set this can affect how rapidly the morphs change.
Ideally you want a higher sample rate the slower the audio line is spoken. If set too high, fast speech changes won’t be registered. If set too low, lips could move unnaturally fast.
”Volume Multiplier” Multiples the volume of the original audio clip being played. This setting also affects the ”Volume Threshold” setting below.
”Sample Time Adjust” From -0.2 to 0.2 tenths of a second.
This sets the amount of time the lip sync will sample in relation to the playback of the audio clip.
This allows you to adjust the lip sync to line up better with your audio clip.
”Volume Threshold” Adjusts the threshold at which the lip sync will activate.
The higher the number the higher the amplitude the audio clip’s signal needs to be. This is also influenced by the ”Volume Multiplier” setting above.
”Mouth Open Factor” Adjusts the amount the mouth will open and close during lip syncing.
”Volume Clamp” Clamps the high’s of the audio clip
”Mouth Open Rate” Changes the speed that the mouth will open and close during lip syncing.
”Voice Type” Gives you two options to choose from "Female" and "Male".
Female detects visemes from audio better for higher pitched audio, and male works better for lower pitched audio.
”Morph Set” Gives you three option: "Normal" , "Physics" and "Custom". Normal uses morphs that don't move the jaw joint. Physics uses morphs that move the joints. Physics can therefore give more accurate collision with the jaw and also can allow the head to move a bit when the jaw moves. Physics morphs are slower to react and can therefore result in some lag in response. This can be somewhat compensated for by using the Sample Time Adjust parameter.
Using physics morph set will move the jaw bone when the lip sync morphs change.
With this set, collision and jaw physics will be accurate. Adjust jaw physics as needed for faster response. For custom set click set morph names to use.
”Viseme Detection Factor” This is for fine tuning and is probably best left at default values. It is a multiplier to the viseme detection engine that sets the viseme output value. This can be used in combination with Viseme Threshold and Viseme Value Clamp to allow making the system more or less likely to detect visemes from the audio. Use of this parameter would require a lot of experimentation.
”Viseme Threshold” Allows tuning the Viseme engine to ignore visemes that are less confidently detected. Use in combination with Viseme Detection Factor and Viseme Value Clamp.
”Viseme Change Rate” This controls how fast the morphs themselves can change. It allows for some smoothing of the output. If set too low you will get a slow response. If set too high you will get unnatural jitter.
”Viseme Value Clamp” This controls the maximum value of the output morphs. Setting to 1 could result in unnatural morphs depending on the morph set used.
”Advanced” In this section you can fine tune the detection of specific visemes. Some visemes can be over-detected and this can allow tuning that to allow other visemes to become the dominant ones. Setting to 0 essentially turns off that specific viseme. Clicking on this opens the "Advanced Lip Sync Settings" as shown below.
“Advanced Lip Sync Settings”
As of V1.22.0.0 the Auto Behaviors tab was split into three separate tabs.
Auto Systems Tab
“Auto Systems” tab. This is where you find the various automatic controls built into the Person Atom.
“Flirting” and “Smile Full Face” between 0.1 and 0.5. This gives the model a little life to their face so it doesn't appear so static.
While this is active the two active morph targets can not be manually adjusted or animated.
”Auto Blink” Randomly triggers the two morph targets “Eyelids Top Down Left” and “Eyelids Top Down Right” from 0-0.5 and back again to simulate blinking.
These two morph targets can not be manually adjusted or animated whether toggled on or off.
This gif example demonstrates the cumulative effect of Auto Expressions, Blink and looking at the Player as a target.
”Auto Eyelids Morphs” affects eight separate eyelid morphs “Eyelids Bottom Down Left/Right”, “Eyelids Bottom Up Left/Right”, Eyelids Top Down Left/Right”, and “Eyelids Top Up Left/Right” to give the person atom a more natural effect when looking around.
This gif demonstrates the difference between having this toggled on(left side) and off (right side).
”Auto Leg Bend Fix Morphs” toggle several hidden morphs that soften the curve of the glute when the model is bending down.
”Auto Breast In/Out Morphs” This automates the two morph targets “Breast Impact Front1 Left/Right” to accentuate the breast dynamics to appear more natural when the model bends over or while being touched.
Eye Control Tab
“Eye Control” Tab. This is where you find all the options related to the Person Atoms eyes and look at options.
When selected the following options will appear in the Eye Control panel.
”Max Outwards Angle” Changes how far out to the side the Person’s Eyes will rotate.
”Max Inwards Angle” Changes how far inward the eyes will rotate.
”Max Down Angle” Limits how far upwards the eyes will look.
”Max Up Angle”Changes how far upwards the eyes will look.
”Min Engage Distance” This adjusts how close the selected look-at target will be before the Person Atom stops looking at it.
By default (0.1) the object is very close to the Atom’s face. Higher numbers push it further away.
This example has the Min Engage Distance set to be 0.5.
The Person Atom stops looking at the ball as it moves within that range.
The following options adjust the angle of the eyes as they focus on the target. In the gif examples provided below the target itself is not moving.
The eyes are demonstrating the offset affect the adjustments have on the eyes themselves.
”Left/Right Angle Adjust” This changes the left and right angle of the eyes in relation to its target.
"Up/Down Angle Adjust” Adjusts the up and down angle of the eyes.
”Diverge/Converge Angle Adjust” Adjusts the Divergence and Convergence angle of the eyes in relation to its target.
”Look At Depth Adjust” Is a much more subtle change of the Divergence and Convergence angle of the eye, giving the Person Atom the appearance of greater focus on the target.
Lip Sync Tab
“Lip Sync” Tab added in V1.22.0.0 Is a new high-performance (threaded) and high-quality lip-sync system.
Be aware that this tab works in conjunction with the audio settings in the “Jaw Physics & Triggers” Tab.
Be aware that this does not toggle off the Audio drive system in the “Jaw Physics & Triggers” Tab.
Depending on how fast or slow you set this can affect how rapidly the morphs change.
Ideally you want a higher sample rate the slower the audio line is spoken. If set too high, fast speech changes won’t be registered. If set too low, lips could move unnaturally fast.
Time Between Sampling 0.0 | Time Between Sampling 0.050 | Time Between Sampling 0.150 |
This sets the amount of time the lip sync will sample in relation to the playback of the audio clip.
This allows you to adjust the lip sync to line up better with your audio clip.
Sample Time Adjust -0.200 | Sample Time Adjust 0.000 | Sample Time Adjust +0.200 |
The higher the number the higher the amplitude the audio clip’s signal needs to be. This is also influenced by the ”Volume Multiplier” setting above.
Female detects visemes from audio better for higher pitched audio, and male works better for lower pitched audio.
With this set, collision and jaw physics will be accurate. Adjust jaw physics as needed for faster response. For custom set click set morph names to use.
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