Woohoo! Finally got a 3080 on the way!


Active member
Been a long time since I been in VAM. Looking forward to making some new second rate depravities!

Ok, ok, my stuff is probably 3rd or 4th rate, lol.
I'm looking at upgrading from rtx 2060 to the 3080/ti. I currently have a ryzen 5 2600, what would be a good cpu for the 3080 and vam overall?
5800X and upwards, 5800X3D is the best in gaming not speaking of 7000 series. Intel would be 12600K and upwards.
In case you are getting new board+cpu, than what @HolySchmidt said.

But if you have plans to reuse that AM4 board, it depends on bios support (what board? if it's A320 I would get a new board+cpu).
Doubt you have 500 series or xx70 board and ryzen 2600, so I asume something like B350 or B450?

On 300 series is usually beta bios for 5000 series especially 5800x3D (same on B450).
5800x3D should work fine if you wanna go for premium, it is best option (if you gonna keep current board).
Otherwise anything above 5800x would be a waste for dead AM4 platform IMO (as an upgrade, but for new systems is debatable).
I have an ASrock B450m steel legend. I changed to this board when I realized A320's don't let you overclock anything for shit. I am looking for a setup that gives a smooth vr experience.
The rtx 2060 with ryzen 5 2600 was my first ever pc so it defo did the trick for a few years for flat gaming but is a little underwhelming for vr, especially in vam.
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I don't use VR, but both are not really VR "material" so I can only imagine.
One is 1080p and other one not so much of improvement over original Zen (hell even Zen2 stuff is kinda dated)
I decided to skip 5000 series (have 3600 atm) and wait for am5X3D, rx7000.

Looking at your board:
Good thing there's bios for 5000 series (3.60) and also 5800x3D (4.30), not even beta (aka somewhat "tested").
Since you have 2600 (pinnacle ridge) I can't see if it supports no cpu flashing,
but you should be able to flash it or potentially lose support for current cpu (idk...asrock bios descriptions are mess).

Earlier 300 series boards had issues with small bios size, so you would lose support for previous gen after flashing,
or in some cases (budget boards) you needed previous gen cpu to be able to flash bios (if board didn't support flashing without cpu).

Minor limits are PCIe 3.0 across and ddr4 3200 (vermeer).
But you have options, stay on this socket (save a few bucks) or move on. ;)
Thanks for the info guys. I'm probs gonna go for the 5800X3D when I can. I also found out that my asrock b450m S L board, once updated for the 5800X3D will still support the 2000 series if I ever need to pop it back in for whatever reason.

I can only get one at a time though so the question now is what would you upgrade first, the GPU or the CPU?
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