What are your best tips for a good VR experience?


I was thinking in creating some guide, but I feel I don't have the experience to do that, so maybe is a good idea if the old members share with us their best tips for a good VR experience?
I can compile then everything in a guide if that helps.

I will start with some of mines:

1. UIAssist and BrowserAssist plugins. They will help to create buttons with useful actions (change appearances, embody, disable mirror, etc).

2. Use Virtual Desktop (with a special .bat file to avoid opening steamVR). This allows to use passthrough. And also allows to open VAM directly from the heeadset (with steam I need to open the game from my computer first).

Some problems I have in VR:

Position my head faster, right now I move the scene with thumstick, and then disable all navigation to avoid messing up, this takes time, and I need to do it again if the characters moves to another place in the next animation. Will be great if we can avoid using the controllers in VR.

Avoid Controllers in VR, is there any way to click buttons and do everything without controllers in VR?

Disable hand grab, when I left my controllers if I close my hand it will posses the character, that's nice, but only if we want that, in some cases it will convert your scene in an horror movie

Passthrough color config, I've tried many color configs but I cannot get a perfect passthorugh, I can see always a small border (for example blue), specially in hair, but also around the body, is possible to get a perfect chroma key?
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