
Featured Contributor
hazmhox submitted a new resource:

VAMCUI - A plugin allowing you to customize the appearance of UIButton and UIText atoms.

  • If you like this plugin, consider liking and reviewing it for the community
  • Read the description, read the ingame help if you have any trouble. I will not answer private messages asking questions about things that are actually explained in the documentation/help.
VAMCUI (VAM Custom UI) is a plugin allowing you to customize the appearance of UIButton and UIText atoms. You can change the background appearance, font, shader, add and tweak...

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Such a great idea - the regular buttons are so... regular.

I've been hiding buttons behind non-clickable objects like pillows or monitors. Yes, it really works, but I like this whole idea.
Such a great idea - the regular buttons are so... regular.

I've been hiding buttons behind non-clickable objects like pillows or monitors. Yes, it really works, but I like this whole idea.

Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions for additionnal styles or shaders, do not hesitate :)
This is pretty and functional!


* Extend functionality also to sliders and toggles.
* Maybe the SimpleSign, too?
* Speaking of the simplesign: AcidBubbles showed in the Timeline controller script that the simplesign can basically do everything VaM's own GUI can do - buttons, toggles, sliders, dropdown menus etc. Might it be possible to code a plugin that provides that functionality for the simplesign and allows ppl to configure it? Sort of a "make your own GUI-atom"-plugin? This would totally revolutionize how we interact with VaM - plugins with GUIs that can be accessed in-scene, without having to click through VaM's GUI. Custom scene-contol GUIs with toggles & sliders and drop-down menues.

I know only a handful of ppl have coded custom in-scene GUIs - VamDeluxe, AcidBubbles - so maybe it's super-tricky to do ...

... it just seems so logical?
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Upgrade-request [...]

Ok. Noted.

- SimpleSign absolutely, just looked into it. Fairly easy, I'll add it in the next update :)
- Sliders, may be harder... there are a lot of components, and it is a bit harder to come up with cool designs. Who knows, the day I'm motivated and have ideas for cool sliders, why not!

"make your own gui" plugin is not a bad idea but it is way out of the scope of this. If I'd make something like this, I would do that as a separate plugin. To be honest tho, I respect a lot all the creators around here who are dedicated to super advanced plugins. But I get most of my pleasure working on VAM when creating stuffs bringing immersion to the equation or anything related to art / sound / VFX... or even creating scenes. So this may be an idea that someone else would have to take on ;)
lot disappointed... only way I forgive you: you invent a universal sex helper, useful and effective in real life poses :sleep: .... sort of viagrasexdestroyer
lot disappointed... only way I forgive you: you invent a universal sex helper, useful and effective in real life poses :sleep: .... sort of viagrasexdestroyer

Sorry mate, It wasn't meant to confuse you :p
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