Uploading a VAR file to the hub


New member
Newbie here maybe this is a dumb question.

Trying to upload my first Look to the hub as a VAR file, but when I go to upload it, it acts like a file folder. Meaning I can only open it instead of being able to select it and hit 'upload'.

2024-07-30 19_15_54-Open - Copy (2).png

Am I supposed to open it and just select the files from inside the folder? But that includes folders also. Wondering if anyone has encountered this issue before.

Did you create the var with Package Builder in game? If not, then it is likely not correct.
If you followed the steps in the guide, the var file would be found in the "AddonPackages" folder.
If you followed the steps in the guide, the var file would be found in the "AddonPackages" folder.
It is, and you can see it in my screenshot it's a .VAR file but when I click upload it only lets me open it as a folder not upload it.
It is, and you can see it in my screenshot it's a .VAR file but when I click upload it only lets me open it as a folder not upload it.
The zip file is in the addon packages folder that's the one you need to upload.
Screenshot 2024-08-08 163618.png

The package builder folder isn't where the located var would be when finalized.
It is, and you can see it in my screenshot it's a .VAR file but when I click upload it only lets me open it as a folder not upload it.
Your screenshot does not include the name of the containing folder. It is likely you are looking in AddonPackagesBuilder, as stated by @murn
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