I tried this, it's like my hobby project. Since there is nothing like that on the market, I tried to build it myself. The biggest issue is the weight and movement stiffness of the sex dolls. We have to wait till the full body size sex dolls weigh around 20-25kg. Then it is possible. But messing around with 40 and more kg sex dolls will get you hurt. Yeah you could say that it is easy to lift 30-40 kg, but try to do it in all sorts of positions that are not meant for weight lifting. Next problem is that the body joints are so stiff, that in order to bend a leg you have to force it a lot. And when you finally get the pose you wanted, it can crumple under its own weight. There is no way to remove the stiffness, cause the joints are welded. I cut my doll to see if I can adjust it, but no way without major tweaks.
You can see my test with light weight maneking here. Where I tried to use the vive trackers. But there are tons of problems like losing direct sight on the light beacons making huge physics bugs. I am also using leap motion, but the funny thing is that the devices starts going crazy cause it is unable to distinguish your and dolls hands

. I am waiting for new generation of trackers, that don't need the light houses, so that the issues are gone.
You can check the test run video in link below, together with a bug at the end caused by the trackers that pulled the doll into the void.
Vive tracker test video
Next thing I tried, is to get a simplified torso. That has the "main stuff", and is much lighter. Also since it is a torso, the problem with stiff joints is gone.
But you still have a lot of problems with the manipulation. When you are in VR you have to be able to hold the real sex doll in place. So I tried to put together a stand that allows me to easily lift the weight and adjust the position of the doll. I had to adjust the torso doll to have a holder at the back. Simply cut it open and attach a holder to the spine tube.
Link to the sex doll torso
Somebody with proper tools and better place would build it much better I am sure. But in my case this is all I could get. Long story short, I am now trying to figure out how to build the stand from aluminum profiles, since they have the strength and modularity that is able to deal with all the pivots and heavy lifting in a more "professional" manner. I am sure the stand could support the full size sex doll too. But the biggest issues are really the weights, especially when you try to tilt the dolls into different poses. The forces are huge, and there is a risk of breaking the construction and hurting yourself. Which would be hard to explain in the hospital, or when someone finds you unconscious

. So a system like
www.item24.com and such could work out.
If I ever get to the point of actually building my next frame for the doll, I'll update this post.
Have a great time everyone and bye!