Question The Resources for 2.X


New member
I heard from someone at other forum that the resource for VAM 1.X will not be compatible for the version 2.X. Does anyone know anything of this? If this is true, the will be a bad news for us. Thank you guys!
Correct. For looks and clothing VAM 1.x uses G2 and VAM 2 uses G8. Some conversions may be possible but essentially VAM 1 and VAM 2 resources are not compatible without follow-up work.
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Correct. For looks and clothing VAM 1.x uses G2 and VAM 2 uses G8. Some conversions may be possible but essentially VAM 1 and VAM 2 resources are not compatible without follow-up work.
Interesting! But VAM 2 will still open the .json done by VAM1.x? Just with looks/clothing issues to fix?

For exemple does the plugins like acidbubbles timeline, or triggers and Uibuttons will still works? Sorry if it looks like a dumb question but I don't know
how different vam 2 will be . 😺
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I don't know the details or the technical expertise to know what won't work and in what way. Looks will be G8 and either conversion or redoing will be needed; clothes probably the same; CUA will be fine I guess.
I think that some functionality of scenes possibly will work, but maybe some parts not or its constituents. Probably there will be some interest in being able to use existing content on 2.X, be it natively or with a converter.

Plugins might work depending on what they do. I think it's safe to say that popular plugins with active developers will have a 2.X adaptation as soon as the development is mature enough. It could also be that what is now done with a plugin only it may be possible with native VAM.

I'm just guessing things, it could be quite different the outlook of what's in store for VAM 2.X. Best thing is to check out the announcements with the progress report and the Discord channel:
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