Ballard submitted a new resource:
Tempory Tattoos Face Decals 1 - Just in time for Halloween
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Tempory Tattoos Face Decals 1 - Just in time for Halloween
Just in time for Halloween here are 53 temporary tattoo face decals.
These work great with Chokaphi's Decal Maker plugin.
Decal Maker - Plugins + Scripts -
I recommend you always delete or disable old VAR versions of Decal Maker when updating. Saving the final blended texture is intentionally disabled. Only a single Decal Layer at a time can be saved out via the Move UI. Unless approved by MeshVR
Makeup used in photos is from Vempire.
Textures - Vempire Makeup Pack
vempire submitted a new resource: Vempire Makeup Pack - Lots of makeup and stuff Makeup pack, tons of stuff, some old some new, and some of them divided in parts so you can mix and match them with Decal maker. Its free but if you want to tip, you could do so over
My stuff is always free.
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