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Spam of promotional "Other" resources containing only videos or images

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Ray Wing

Active member
I've noticed an alarming emerging practice of posting promotional videos and images as a separate "Other" resource. Some examples:

There are multiple concerns:
  • Hub resources feed is already overloaded
  • It is not possible to ignore one category of resources for resources feed (I can be wrong here. Please let me know if I can)
  • Many real and useful resources are posted to "Other" section (poses, LUTs, some subscenes, etc.) so you can't just ignore the whole section
  • This is a way for creators to promote their paid resources in Free section of Hub without providing any real value to users who want free resources
  • It is not a resource. There is a dedicated Media section for this type of content
If this practice is not curbed in its beginning the whole Hub feed is going to be spammed with such "Other" resources.
Hey Ray,

This is a way to share fun videos to promote the possibilities and beauty within VAM. I feel we are not 'overloading' the hub with these posts, they are a real and useful resource. Users old and new seem to enjoy the videos and the work that has been put into them. The only way to host videos on the hub is through the resources 'other'. It would be nice if we could put them in the media/album section.

The Fanart account is about my supporters lifting up the VAM community, allowing new users to see what can be achieved using this amazing software. If people choose to support me by becoming my Patreon that is great, but hopefully you can tell I'm not here for the money or to push paid content.

I prefer quality over quantity. ?
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Seriously Ray....Wow. Are you against FanArt? How do you feel about posting media and screen shots?
I'm against posting fanart as resources. I'm perfectly fine with posting media and screenshots to Media section which is specifically designed for it.

The only way to host videos on the hub is through the resources 'other'. It would be nice if we could put them in the media/album section.
That is not correct. You can add videos to Media. Here is a test video I just added to Media - https://hub.virtamate.com/media/virt-a-mate-tutorial-using-plugins.44638/ - when posting a video you can even add a link to resource you promoting into a special field. If your goal is really to let users enjoy the videos (and not just to promote your resources) - please continue to post them to Media.
That is not correct. You can add videos to Media. Here is a test video I just added to Media - https://hub.virtamate.com/media/virt-a-mate-tutorial-using-plugins.44638/ - when posting a video you can even add a link to resource you promoting into a special field. If your goal is really to let users enjoy the videos (and not to promote your resources) - please continue to post them to Media.

Yes it is correct. You can embed videos from other sites that the video is hosted on in the media section, but you cannot host videos in the media section.
Yes it is correct. You can embed videos from other sites that the video is hosted on in the media section, but you cannot host videos in the media section.
What is the difference for Hub users between viewing embedded and hosted videos (if your goal is to let them enjoy the videos as you claim)? Does embedded video provide less enjoyment?
What is the difference for Hub users between viewing embedded and hosted videos (if your goal is to let them enjoy the videos as you claim)? Does embedded video provide less enjoyment?
The difference is you need to host the video on another website. The other sites have restrictions for viewing and you need accounts for these other sites. Uploading the video to a 3rd party site just to share it on the hub is not good time management or practical.

Hosting the videos on the hub makes it possible to share the videos easily without viewing restriction on adult content and locations.

Anyway sorry you seem to be really hurt and upset by the videos posts, or that you feel they are spam. Honestly if I wanted to spam the hub I could update my paid resources everyday with no restriction, hahaha like honestly there are some many other ways to push paid content that I don't use :LOL:

So yea do your little report and just let the mods decide, maybe they will be able to add the hosting feature to the media/albums
How many paid creators are here on the hub? How will the main page of the Hub (which is a feed of all Free resources) look like if each such creator posts a promotional video as a resource from time to time? Hint: it will contain scarce real resources per multiple pages of such video "resources".
How many paid creators are here on the hub? How will the main page of the Hub (which is a feed of all Free resources) look like if each such creator posts a promotional video as a resource from time to time? Hint: it will contain scarce real resources per multiple pages of such video "resources".
? awweee hehehe do you need a tissue to go with that?
Could you please act like an adult and contribute meaningfully to the discussion?
uurrmm I thought the discussion was over "let the mods decide"
You just continued using the thread to vent about your issues with paid creators and the hub setup.
I just thought you seemed really upset and needed a tissue at this point ?
I'm against posting fanart as resources. I'm perfectly fine with posting media and screenshots to Media section which is specifically designed for it.
It's a real shame that you are against posting Fanart in the "other" section, but to me it just seems you are just being rather mean spirited. Lots of people enjoy videos and you may not consider them as a "resource" but some people do. It would be amazing to have the ability to post videos in the media section without the massive pain of embedded them and jumping through hoops but currently, we as members of the Hub can't do that. I'm fairly sure you can set members to ignore if you don't like what you see. I'm not 100% sure if that also stops you from seeing the posts, as I have never set anyone to ignore, as I love to see what everyone is doing on the Hub. I am a massive fan of VRDollz work and you really will struggle to find a more pleasant and engaging creator on the Hub. I have hundreds of screen shots and a ton of videos showcasing her work. I want other people to see how wonderful her creations are. I'm sorry that annoys you, but hopefully I'll be able to continue to share her work through the videos I create. I certainly hope for you that the ignore function will provide the ability to filter out everything you find annoying. Then you won't have to put reports in because people are trying to share things they love with other people on the Hub and that cheeses you off.
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? awweee hehehe do you need a tissue to go with that?

As Ray said, you're here to discuss a sensitive matter, behave like an adult.

You've entered a "grey area" by bending the rules here.

Paid content promotion in the free section is forbidden by the rules. No matter what argument you can bring to the table, THESE (both example posts) are paid promotions. There is zero "added value" for the persons only downloading free content who might read these posts beyond being attracted to support you on patreon... which is a litteral definition of ad.

There is not doubt your work is great... but since it's paid content, these should be in Paid > Others.
There is not doubt your work is great... but since it's paid content, these should be in Paid > Others.
So if I post videos from other creators and say they are from them is that fine? Because I've got tons of videos I'd like to post and people can download them for free as a "resource". Edit - Can I do this?
I don't see in what world that would be different : )

You're still advertising paid content through videos, even if you're not the original creator.
And let's be serious a minute here: no one downloads "video as resources".
People are on the hub to download content FOR VaM, videos are mostly a means to an end (showcase, ad, tutorial).

The only "fringe case" where it would not be a problem, it's if the content had a real added value: long original video, using the content in a new context, etc... more or less, giving out something which would be more than simply a showcase/ad.

If you'd allow the same exact thing "because it's not the original creator" it's a huge incentive for paid creators to "recruit" people to post on their behalf... and go "Hey that's my fans, not me! so it's okay (●'◡'●)"

And worst case scenario: creators creating dupe accounts to do that exact same thing (and this is also forbidden). Some sneaky creators already tried that to pad their reviews... so why would it be different?
And worst case scenario: creators creating dupe accounts to do that exact same thing (and this is also forbidden). Some sneaky creators already tried that to pad their reviews... so why would it be different?
I think you are looking at this as if I am some kind of Machiavellian actor. I really enjoy making videos. I don't want monetary gain from them. I love the work of so many creators, of both paid and unpaid content. As a VAM user and creator, I want to share my love of the work creators do and how amazing VAM as a program actually is. It's a sorry state of affairs that people get so annoyed by what people are posting. If the ignore function works as intended surely all they need to do is use it and the problem is solved? There is nothing so mean as crapping on the joy of others. Clearly the moderators have the final say but hopefully the media section will eventually have the functionality to post videos without having to have to embed them on third party sites. Then I won't have to annoy people anymore.
As Ray said, you're here to discuss a sensitive matter, behave like an adult.

You've entered a "grey area" by bending the rules here.

Paid content promotion in the free section is forbidden by the rules. No matter what argument you can bring to the table, THESE (both example posts) are paid promotions. There is zero "added value" for the persons only downloading free content who might read these posts beyond being attracted to support you on patreon... which is a litteral definition of ad.

There is not doubt your work is great... but since it's paid content, these should be in Paid > Others.

I apologise for my reaction, I shouldn't have joked about the tissue, I just felt they are way over reacting, not being sensitive at all and basically calling me a liar. I was just following what had been ok in the past. Thank you for offering a solution, of putting them in "Paid > Others"

I have ethics, I'm not here to try be sneaky, lye, bend the rules etc. I genuinely always try and do good for the VAM community and lift the hub up, I thought you and most would have known me better by now ?

The VRDollz Fanart account and posts are not meant to be malicious. It is just a way for genuine fans to share videos and pictures with the community, for the reasons I explained above. I shared some I loved and they have access to the account to share what they love or have made themselves.
Also the videos are in the non download category, so the posts don't show up as downloadable content in-game.
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I actually wasn't implying you were sneaky or trying to be... at all.
Sorry if that's how you felt it, that was not my intention. ?

Yeah, I know you a bit, and my reaction was written in a more "general" way than targeted to you specifically.

If you are kind and good with the community, other creators may not be. And if you have someone respectful "not abusing" but doing something that is somewhat bending the rules of paid content... every sneaky "not cool" creator will dive into the breach. And as Ray said, if one person is doing it... next day you have 30 people "only posting a video or two".

The reddit had the "paid post" rule becomes it became unbearable to scroll through it... we're somewhat in the same situation here : )
Sorry VRDolls, Hazmhox and I got our wires crossed a bit on this one. He's telling you that posting videos in paid/other is OK at the same time as I was removing them. I apologize for the miscommunication.

The decision from Meshed is that he's just not in the video hosting business. Bandwidth costs are too high for that. The hub is for distributing Vam resources, not porn videos. A few short clips as part of a download description are one thing, but if you want to distribute Vam videos as content or even just to promote yourself, you're going to have to find somewhere else to host them.
There are times when you can lose faith in humanity, and today is one of those days. Well done...............................
I'm sad to see that VRDollz decided to leave Hub and I didn't expect that outcome, but it's their decision.

Over several years I've spent about $500-700 to support MeshedVR and various VaM content creators on Patreon and I'm not against paid resources. But I'm happy to see that free resources feed will continue to contain meaningful free resources. I believe it is good for VaM and Hub in long term and will prevent decline of the Hub similar to decline happened to VaM subreddit.
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I'm sad to see that VRDollz decided to leave Hub and I didn't expect that outcome, but it's their decision.

Over several years I've spent about $500-700 to support MeshedVR and various VaM content creators on Patreon and I'm not against paid resources. But I'm happy to see that free resources feed will continue to contain meaningful free resources. I believe it is good for VaM and Hub in long term and will prevent decline of the Hub similar to decline happened to VaM subreddit.
Sorry Ray you are talking out of your pipe. I'm so glad you are happy. Tomorrow morning I'm sure you'll wake up in the morning and tell yourself how good you feel. Well done Ray and godspeed.
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