Question Some characters unavailable to be added/swapped into scene?


New member
I'm still quite noobish, so forgive my ignorance.

I've discovered how to replace a character in a scene with a different character. The problem I'm facing now, is that while I can do this for some characters, I have plenty more loaded into VAM that can't be selected (they don't appear at all). As a secondary issue, there are a handful of characters that will load into their own scene just fine, but when loading into a different scene, they tend to be missing items (generally this is their hair).

I've tried going through and saving Appearances manually, but that only works about 50% of the time, and even then, it is missing the hair.

I've looked but I have no idea how to really describe this issue here so I can see if it's been answered already. Is it just that some characters or looks simply can not be used outside of their original .var? If that's the case, that really, really stinks.
I'm still quite noobish, so forgive my ignorance.

I've discovered how to replace a character in a scene with a different character. The problem I'm facing now, is that while I can do this for some characters, I have plenty more loaded into VAM that can't be selected (they don't appear at all). As a secondary issue, there are a handful of characters that will load into their own scene just fine, but when loading into a different scene, they tend to be missing items (generally this is their hair).

I've tried going through and saving Appearances manually, but that only works about 50% of the time, and even then, it is missing the hair.

I've looked but I have no idea how to really describe this issue here so I can see if it's...
I'm still quite noobish, so forgive my ignorance.

I've discovered how to replace a character in a scene with a different character. The problem I'm facing now, is that while I can do this for some characters, I have plenty more loaded into VAM that can't be selected (they don't appear at all). As a secondary issue, there are a handful of characters that will load into their own scene just fine, but when loading into a different scene, they tend to be missing items (generally this is their hair).

I've tried going through and saving Appearances manually, but that only works about 50% of the time, and even then, it is missing the hair.

I've looked but I have no idea how to really describe this issue here so I can see if it's been answered already. Is it just that some characters or looks simply can not be used outside of their original .var? If that's the case, that really, really stinks.
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