
Looks Shesha

Hello~ How do I load this character? Thank you for sharing these looks btw!
Hello :D Thank you mate appreciate it.
I don't include scenes in my chara vars, to load them you will need to go in the appearance preset tab of a model, click load existing then, if you dont see a folder named SuperSamoth, click flatten addon package folder on the left and type the name of the model. Tell me if you found it :)
Hello :D Thank you mate appreciate it.
I don't include scenes in my chara vars, to load them you will need to go in the appearance preset tab of a model, click load existing then, if you dont see a folder named SuperSamoth, click flatten addon package folder on the left and type the name of the model. Tell me if you found it :)

Found it! Thank you!
just wondering do you have the raw file love to make a 3d print of her :D
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