Question Scene start position?


Active member
There is a scene that requires me to locate the ui (off in the distance to the left). One I locate it I save the scene with the ui directly in front of me. However, upon reopening the scene the ui is back to the same position. How do I fix this?
The scene is probably using the "scene load position" feature:
Just disable it for the scene or save a new position.
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The scene is probably using the "scene load position" feature:
Just disable it for the scene or save a new position.
That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much!!!
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The scene is probably using the "scene load position" feature:
Just disable it for the scene or save a new position.
Wow thanks MacGruber for the tutorial, the scene load position had been bugging me for some time , never realised how simple it was , think i should pay more attention to Vams functions .
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