Problem loading Acidbubbles timeline in Hub Scenes


New member
Whenever i try to load a scene from the HUB that requires timeline i get this error message:

!> Compile of AcidBubbles.Timeline.282:/Custom/Scripts/AcidBubbles/Timeline/VamTimeline.AtomAnimation.cslist failed. Errors:
!> [CS16]: Could not write to file `MVRPlugin_AcidBubbles_Timeline_282__Custom_Scripts_AcidBubbles_Timeline_VamTimeline_AtomAnimation_cslist_b824f610f996a8238b71bfb36c0b5516_6', cause: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Skrivbord\New folder\VaM-1.22-Downloader_VRPorn-Premium\VaM-1.22-Downloader-VRPorn-Premium\MVRPlugin_AcidBubbles_Timeline_282__Custom_Scripts_AcidBubbles_Timeline_VamTimeline_AtomAnimation_cslist_b824f610f996a8238b71bfb36c0b5516_6.dll"

I've tried removing all my downloaded .var files and just downloading the scene and timeline to see if any other addons or plugins were affecting it, I even tried to remove all timeline versions exept the latest one but nothing has worked so far. If someone knows a fix it would be greatly appreciated.
Try placing the VaM folder somewhere else other than the OneDrive folder that may have special permissions, C:\VaM for example.
Could also be that that Timeline VAR is corrupted somehow, remove it and download again if needed.
Try placing the VaM folder somewhere else other than the OneDrive folder that may have special permissions, C:\VaM for example.
Could also be that that Timeline VAR is corrupted somehow, remove it and download again if needed.
It was OneDrive that was messing things up, thanks fot the tip man
Run a core check (vam_updater.exe) to see if there's no other weirdness introduced by OneDrive's permissions.
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