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Question Physic simulation for assets and DLL


New member

I am fairly new to making assets. I have two questions.
1) What are DLL files and what are they used for
2) How to make an asset that will be simulated with physics. Tail, tentacles, line, and the like. It's all about just adding those physics.
For 1) "DLL" means Dynamic Link Library. These contain compiled source code that can be loaded/executed at runtime by an application. In case of VaM that means "plugins", although VaM itself is also a collection of DLLs containing the Unity engine, etc.

For 2) You need to set it up in Unity Editor and export as an AssetBundle. Any scripts needed by your asset have to be compiled in a specific way as DLL with the same name as the AssetBundle. If you put both files into the same directory, VaM will auto-load the DLL when you load the AssetBundle with a CustomUnityAsset.

Note that VaM plugins as DLL have the same security restrictions as regular plugins. Also you can't reference the Unity Editor, only Unity Runtime itself. That means any standard stuff you load out of the Unity AssetStore will most likely not work without significant modifications.
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