Answered Person Atom acting like it's very heavy


Well-known member
Anybody ever seen this? I think it's timeline related because if I delete timeline it fixes itself but I haven't tracked it down to anything more specific.
I expect the behavior on the right: person floats with head around headcontrol when all other controllers are OFF.
But sometimes I get the person on the left: floats well below headcontrol.
It makes him really hard to pose properly like this and I want it to go away.
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Progress: So, somehow the Hold Position & Hold Rotation Springs for the head were very low and then that got saved into timeline anim. I'm assuming one of the pose save options can save that info but I'm not sure which one. And I'm not sure why deleting timeline would cause it to revert to the default values. I'll experiment and update...
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OK, So "Pose: Include Bones & Controls" can save these with each anim.
And I had one anim with normal spring values and one anim with the screwed up values (no idea how they got that way).
I did another experiment where I deleted timeline and the modified values stayed so I'm not really sure how they reverted earlier. I'd say maybe I was in the "good" anim when I deleted timeline, but that wouldn't explain why the person atom popped to the stronger spring values immediately.
Anyway, I don't care at this point, but now I know where to look if this ever happens again.
And, who knows, maybe someone else find this monologue helpful. Or maybe just amusing?
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