Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Desktop Voice Commands Not Working


New member
I have had Voice Commands working with my Quest 2 and Oculus Air Link.
The Quest 2 microphone is detecting sounds while connected to Virtual Desktop.

The combo of Quest 2 with Virtual Desktop leads to Voice Commands not working.

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I'm trying to get Vam/VamX speech recognition to work with a Quest 2 through Virtual Desktop (not the standard Air Link). I've had Voice Commands work with Quest Air Link, but not with Virtual Desktop

On the Quest 2 I have enabled microphone permissions for the Virtual Desktop App.I have set my PC microphone to Virtual Desktop Audio and in WIndows Sounds it confirms that the headset mic is picking up a signal in the green bars meter, and I can confirm using voice commands in another app with no problems when using the Quest 2 with VD.

But when I run Vam (and it's confirmed as "on top" on my PC monitor Windows - I'm using vxHELPER.exe), no voice commands come through. I have the "Enable Speech Recognition" checkbox checked in the VamX->Sound menu.

I am running Vam using the recommended route of using a .bat file, specifically:
"C:\Program Files\Virtual Desktop Streamer\VirtualDesktop.Streamer.exe" "D:\VAM\VaM.exe"
This gives very smooth, high fps with no screen tearing that you otherwise get with Air Link. And I'm not using SteamVR either. So now that I've tasted the fruit of this supreme combination of Vam with Virtual Desktop, I don't want to go back to using any other method.

I have used Voice Commands in VamX before so I'm familiar with their usage, and they're essential to a smooth distraction-free Vam experience, hence my frustration in getting them work with VD.

What makes no sense is that on the Windows Sound control panel -> Recording Tab, the Virtual Desktop Audio meter is picking up microphone signals while Vam is loaded in VD (See screenshot with me manually adding "green" - can't do this screenshot while in Vam), but this isn't translating into Vam hearing it for some reason, even while Vam is the "last application clicked" (on top on the PC).

I've asked this in Discord and VamX has said it works after testing. But still can't get it working. Reaching out to anyone else with this setup to see if it's some deeply hidden setting I've got either on the headset or on WIndows that is preventing this from working.


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