Question Need help understanding morph duplicates


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Like many of you, I'm sure, my VAM folder is chock-a-block full of all kinds of resources. I do my best to keep it as tidy as I can, keeping as much as possible in var files as opposed to the custom folder. However, my morph list is a bit of a mess. I see morphs duplicated all the time, and also colour coded morphs. Some are grey, some are red and some are blue.

So I have 2 questions.
  1. What causes the duplicates? Is it simply a case of the same morphs being in vars as well as the custom folder?
  2. What do the grey, red and blue colours mean?
I tied running AcidBubbles varbsorb to remove any duplicates, but it didn't remove anything after scanning the VAM install.

Any clarity on the topic would be greatly appreciated.
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Ok, I will try mx best (while suffering from morph cluttering, too).
- Grey morphs are the build-in morphs, that comes with VaM.
- Blue morphs are custom morphs, you have put in the custom folder.
- Red morphs are from those new VAR package files in the AddonPackage folder.

The idea behind Var files was, that we have much less duplicates, because we won't get all the morphs again and again for every different looks, like we did with the old Vac files. I have the impression, this still doesn't work as intended.

Long answer short: Most of the duplicate morphs should come from the Var files, because there is a build in mechanism to eleminate real duplicate morphs (from the Vac files).
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@TToby Thanks for the explanation. One of the most annoying things I see a lot in my morphs is grey and blue morphs that are exactly the same. Same name. Same effect. If the grey morphs are the built-in defaults - then I clearly don't need these blue ones. Yet, searching through the morphs folder, I can't find these duplicates anywhere. Drives me nuts!
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In the time where we had all those many morph duplicates from the old Vac files, Meshed added a function where all the morphs had unique numbers and those duplicates were automatically erased (and/or were moved to a special folder). I have many of the red and blue duplicates from the Var files, but some grey and blue, too. My guess:
The build-in VaM morphs, are "just" some of the basic morph packs from DAZ3D, too, and Meshed has added some more morphs, recently. If you have added those basic morph packs from DAZ as custom morphs, those will be of course duplicates with the build-in ones. This means on the other hand, that the unique morph number mechanism is not working correctly on the build-in ones. I don't know this for sure, so you have to take this with a good dose of salt... but if I remember correctly, in my VaM install, the most blue and grey duplicates are from those "new" morphs recently (last 6-10 months???) added to the build-in ones.
Taken all together, I see this as a kind of minor bug or glitch.

If you do a in-file text search over the \VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs\female ... folder, you should probably find the displayed names, which are stored in the .vmi file in uncompressed text.
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