Maybe I'm not understanding well the problem it seems.
A) If you want to have a preset that has specific morphs for a region and you want to add them on a person, while not touching other morphs in use, you can do that with a overlay morph preset.
B) If you want to have a preset that has specific morphs for a region and you want to add them on a person, while at the same time remove any kind of morphs that can potentially affect the same region, then no because there's no categorisation or morphs can be labelled to affect whatever the creators decided to specify.
Is it A, B or something else?
Thank you for your continued efforts to try to help me, I appreciate it.
I think the problem is that the morphs I would like to transfer are already part of a finished character that has lots of different morphs applied to them. It seems that I can't save just a specific set of these morphs, the preset would contain all the applied morphs from the characted it was saved from. In my case I want only the vagina morphs, but the face, body, breasts, etc, morphs would all come as one package in the preset, and would all be applied if that preset was used on a new character. There's no way it seems to select what morphs are applied from the preset and which ones are not.
Now, if I was to make a another character, adjust only a specific set of morphs, the breasts lets say, then save that as a preset, then that may work. As there's only a specific set of morphs relating to the breasts that is being transferred over from the preset, nothing else would be affected, only the breasts because that's all that's being transferred over.
But that doesn't help in my case, as I'm trying to cut corners as it were by taking a part of and old character and putting it on a new character.
Making a dummy character to apply a specific set of morphs to, just to save that as a preset, then appling that to my new character seems a waste of time as I could just adjust the morphs directly on the new character instead. I'm just looking for a way to save some time in the character making process.