I'm finally at home, is this what you are looking for? If yes, go to female morphs, type "perk" inside the search bar, then you will have 4 sliders "Breasts perk v1 and v3", "Areolae perk" and "Breasts perk side." Play with these sliders. You can also typ in nipple, and you get 5 tabs full with nipple sliders. Which you can also make the breasts more pointy/perky.
After that, typ "breast" inside the search bar. Go to the second tab, change "breast diameter" then third tab to "breast look up", then 6th tab and change "breaest under smoother" to change the form underneath the breast, then on the 15th tab, there is a slider named "breasts depth" which makes the breasts looks longer. So, you have so many options. If you play atleast with these sliders, you can definitely create the breasts you want. Also try to play with other sliders, you can always click on "default" to change it back to default.
You can also override settings, but this is not recommended. It can fuck up morphs and physics. After each sliders, you see a number, from 0.000 to 1.000. You can override this by clicking on the number and typ in 1.100. If you do, you can go up to 2000 with the slider. Don't typ in 5.000 or something, because this will fuck up everything. If you typ in 2.100, you can go up to 3000.