Hi all, i like to make size related animations but ive always had to find a different way to work around this issue.
For some reason, when the 'body scale' slider goes into minus numbers, it affects the characters mouth in a very odd way (see below)
Whats even more odd is that the mouth scale morph does nothing to fix this. which leads me to believe this is more of a physics collision thing but for the life of me i cant find what one it is.
In my opinion, it would have been the tongue collision. It affects larger scaled models by opening their mouths really wide in a glitched way but that just isnt the case with this
something is restricting the mouth to be a minimum scale or some other collision thingy.
Turning off auto expressions stops it from freaking out but it doesnt fix the scale.
Turning off model colision DOES fix this but i need collision for my scenes
all i need to know is:
What do i turn off to fix this
and if theres a plugin that allows me to turn off collision just for the lips/mouth
For some reason, when the 'body scale' slider goes into minus numbers, it affects the characters mouth in a very odd way (see below)
Whats even more odd is that the mouth scale morph does nothing to fix this. which leads me to believe this is more of a physics collision thing but for the life of me i cant find what one it is.
In my opinion, it would have been the tongue collision. It affects larger scaled models by opening their mouths really wide in a glitched way but that just isnt the case with this
something is restricting the mouth to be a minimum scale or some other collision thingy.
Turning off auto expressions stops it from freaking out but it doesnt fix the scale.
Turning off model colision DOES fix this but i need collision for my scenes
all i need to know is:
What do i turn off to fix this
and if theres a plugin that allows me to turn off collision just for the lips/mouth