Intercept Image Render in VAM


Do you think could be possible to intercept somehow the render image from VAM to apply an extra effect?
could be something similar to what Reshade does, but with more freedom, for example apply an AI filter
I don't have experience on this, but I've read about BepInEx OnPostRender method, maybe that could work?
You can look at PostMagic or SuperShot?
PostMagic uses post processing, so exactly what you ask for...but most of this is in the depths of VaM, so changes may be difficult. PostMagic does little more than just provide an UI interface and rearrange a bit how rendering is done. But if you want to do your own post processing from scratch, that may work. Just a lot of work.

SuperShot does it's own rendering pass for screenshots and does some downscaling. Looking at that may be helpful, too.
I will take a look, but is possible to see the source code?

My idea is to change the image, not only apply a filter
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