I am trying to convert a female look to a futa look,
following this guide:
It's working very well but if I select original female face texture file on the converted futa atom -> skin textures -> face diffuse it doesn't fit
it becomes like this
(Example is default scene, change to futa following the guide, apply browless face texture)
What would be the best way to solve this?
I searched for "convert female face texture to male" but gave me nothing
following this guide:

Female to Futa Model Conversion Guide - Guides -
Quick Expectation-Setting Note: This method only converts the underlying model/morphs. Any textures/specs/gloss/normals don't transfer/won't work. Technically, there are methods to get those converted, but they are detailed/complicated enough...

It's working very well but if I select original female face texture file on the converted futa atom -> skin textures -> face diffuse it doesn't fit
it becomes like this
(Example is default scene, change to futa following the guide, apply browless face texture)
What would be the best way to solve this?
I searched for "convert female face texture to male" but gave me nothing