Hello, I have downloaded a lot of looks from the VAM-Hub, but for those without Appearance presets, I can't figure out how to load them up. I can save presets from a scene but most looks don't come with them. I am really new so I would appreciate if someone could show me how to do this. Thanks!
When it comes to sharing looks there are few ways, sadly not all creators use single "universal" way for sharing.
1.) It could be
legacy preset/look (.json), they are loaded from "control & physics 1" tab on person (look or preset)
2.) it could be *new*
appearance preset (.vap), loaded from "appearance presets" tab
3.) it could be
regular scene, where you have to export/save look from it, to use inside own scene
(using any method you like, but i would recommend saving as
.vap presets)
4.) it could be old
.vac package (occasionally some creators still use those for sharing looks)
basically it works same as regular scene (need to export look yourself), but compared to .var packages everything is unpacked
(not very storage friendly since .vac is also left behind after unpack, also don't think they work with client hub...not 100% sure)
5.) Unless you downloaded something weird that is listed as "look" but it's actually only single morph that you have to apply yourself,
but package doesn't have preloadmorphs set "true" so you won't be able to find it under morphs (unless it's called by scene/preset).