Question How to make male scrotum / balls more physical correct from gravity ?


Active member
Is there any way to make the male scrotum / balls behave like they should from gravity and not twist and bend wrong into such weird positions alltime?
I mean there are physics for female breast and such move around correct.

Its if if change poses as a example the balls twist and move totally wrong direction and physical as if they wouldnt have gravity alltime that looks horrible.

And like in my previous post with penis movements when touching the scrotum / balls behave stuck as if such wouldnt have any physics at all.
Like frozen.

If i pose a model from standing to doggy position the balls are often not following gravity and look like a 90 degree upwards turn instead falling down physical as it would be correct from their gravity.

Overall the balls physics most of the time behave incorrect whatever pose or position is used.

Scrotum is rock hard, no skin or balls physics, no motion, no gravity.
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