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How to find all the dependencies used in a scene/look I created?


Active member
I'd like to start exporting some of the scenes and looks I've been creating but before using Package Builder to do this it would be helpful if I could view a list of all the dependencies that are in my scene/look. I don't see an option for me to identify all the dependencies used when I have the scene/look open. Does such an option exist and where is it?

I realize I can go through the Package Builder process and it will tell me what dependencies are missing, but with that method I have to write down everything on a piece of paper and then go hunting for the dependencies. It would be nice if I could just see this info within the scene/look because I've found that some of my work is using dependencies I don't really need so I'd like to delete them before I ever get to the Package Builder process.
TL;DR No such option, that can simply tell you this scene is using all this custom content (from package or local).

Using package builder is your best option (to start with),
simply creating test packages to see what is referenced and also what is included from your local content (morphs, textures, clothes...).

True, package dependencies also report dependencies of your dependencies (sub-dependencies).
But when you look inside package meta.json, you can easily narrow it down or cross reference with scene/preset file (what is actual dependency).

The way used content is saved (referenced) inside vam, not all info is stored inside a single scene file or preset.
You can create presets for many things, not just for person...it could be a preset for invisible light or rug (with textures references).
Each of those atoms have own preset folders (also legacy preset, look & pose inside saves folder).
Say you have a scene that loads some preset with UIButton (appearance preset for person).
Inside main scene file only reference to that preset file is stored.
Any other references inside that preset are stored inside a preset file (use this hairstyle, this clothing, morph from this package...etc).
note: if you load a preset and save scene, than all preset info is also stored inside scene / but it still requires preset file.
On top of that say you also use subscene, with light setup and chair asset (not from other var package).
Same thing, scene has info about subscene...in this case it also has asset info (but still needs subscene, it's subscene thing...don't ask why).
And lastly subscene file also has chair asset info/reference.

In this example your dependencies end up something like this:
scene depends on person preset -> that preset depends on xyz content from this package (hairstyle, clothing,morph,textures...)
scene depends on local chair asset (used as part of/parented with subscene)
scene depends on subscene file -> subscene also depends on this local asset (since it's local, needs to be saved inside package for scene to work)

So by adding that example scene inside package builder you also need app.preset, subscene file and local asset (chair)
Any extra dependencies for preset should be listed automatically.

It's rough example, but i hope it gives you some insight on how things work.
Sry if confusing, my English ...no es perfecto.:p
In my case I used Package Builder and it told me I had several dependencies I had no idea I was using. Some of which I'm 99% sure I would not need for the final .var file. Now I'm not sure how to find them so I can delete them.
Now I'm not sure how to find them so I can delete them.
Without going into too much details (you need to look inside .json or .vap files), how about first take a look at:
...as a "good enough" starting point. :)
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