Question How do I find a specific plugin in the scene?


More specifically, I want to find the Postmagic plugin. Some scenes use it to add some visual effects that I want to remove (bloom, lens dirt, vignette...). But I can't find the plugin anywhere. It's not in the scene plugins tab, it's also not in any person. Could you guys point me in the right direction?
Would be great if there was a plugin or a feature that would scan and give you full SCENE REPORT as text,
list of every atom that has any plugins and their names, every trigger set actions and their names and so on :unsure:
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Would be great if there was a plugin or a feature that would scan and give you full SCENE REPORT as text,
list of every atom that has any plugins and their names, every trigger set actions and their names and so on :unsure:
I think PluginAssist can do that. I was just trying to avoid one more plugin...
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