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How do i change eyebrows? (answered)


New member
I enjoy customizing and making own girls in a character creator, but there is an issue i often encounter: Eyebrows don't match in color or shape to the character i want to recreate. For example, i wanna make a blonde, but most good skin presets have dark eyebrows, and the whole look ends up looking odd. As far as i know you can change facial textures in one of the tabs (normal, gloss, decal maps etc), but in doing so the color of the face and the makeup is also affected. Also, im not sure what map im supposed to change - is it normal, decal or something else?

I was wondering, what's the most practical way to change the eyebrows without messing up the rest of the face.
For an in game solution I have made hairstyles for eyebrows. you can select direct to skin on the scalp select box I set segments to 2. for generate scalp mask click all red this masks everything click start then unmask eyebrow area with tool. Click finish and you will probably have to repeat the masking/ unmasking till you fill in the brows. here are a few examples i have done. https://hub.virtamate.com/media/1618696184-jpg.14614/ and https://hub.virtamate.com/media/1668043753-jpg.37580/ I also made a mole hair while i was writing this. haha


  • DTB7T4.jpg
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Most of the time the brows are drawn on the defuse texture, which is the main colour layer. The trouble is that the skin presets maps are not extractable, you cannot unpack the images to make alterations because they are baked into VAM. The only ones you can get to are the base female textures in your VaM Folder\Custom\Atom\Person\Textures\FemaleBase, or ones that other creators have made by unpacking the .var in package manager. As different look textures have different shaped brows, there is not really a one size fits all solution. Here is a basic blonde brow overlay for the Base Female texture. Save the png and use it as the decal or open the base female texture and add it over the top in and image editor like photoshop or Gimp, you can then recolour that layer to what ever you want and save a new image. Do Not Save over the base female texture from your Vam Folder.

The other issue is that most makeup looks are a clear background image for the decal slot, if you added coloured brows here it would get rid of your looks makeup as there is only one decal slot available as standard. you can either use an image editor to layer the brows onto your makeup look (if you can extract it), or use https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/decal-maker.196/ by
Chokaphi to layer them inside of Vam
Base female Blonde Brows faceDecal.png
note. I threw this brow image together in a few minutes as a proof of concept it's not a great colour match, but shows how to do it. It will only fit over presets that are marked with UV Base Female under the name. Other presets use the Olympia/Victoria UV's and this will distort the texture as UV's are how the image is stretched over the mesh.
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