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Question How can i create a personal not public VAR with all i created in my own Scene incl. Assets?


Active member

the Video of VAR Creation doesnt helps me as the short Guide how to create VAR since my goal is to create a VAR of all and everything i for fun created in my own scene. And the Search here doesn't outputs anything "VAR creation"

So i open a Thread.

My Scene is a mixture of all and everything just for my private personal usage.
No Special things, so no one will be harmed with Licences here and there.

Person ( my own )
Morph ( my own )
Clothing ( selected in the CLothing Section )
Hair (selected in the Hair Section )
Assests / Environment ( is a single Environment var currently in addons Packages)

What i did so far i 2 Trials

I opened the Package Builder and loaded the JSON and Pic of the Scene i want to dump into the VAR.
Then i clicked prepare Package and it scanned and here and there references which can be fixed and so on.
So even if all is fixed and the VAR is Created it does not include the Clothing, Asssets and no Hair if i load it in a new installed VAM
which has basis Addons to check if all is included
then i see a just conehead Model inbetween a background pic floating in air ;)
Nothing is in Position and all is missing.

So it is a entire mess.

The Builder does not accurate detect what is needed to be complete . At least it behaves like that.
And that also because the Builder did not show any more errors.

I have no clue what i do wrong here since the guide tells me load up the JPG and JSON
And the JSON usually has all and everything included in the scene listed.

2nd i tried to solve that behavior is copying all into the VAR which is missing like Assest Hair and so on all in the similar parts a s others do it also.

There is a META.JSON in the first Root Folder which contains all the Content Info with Paths and listed as for example /custom/ ....
for Hair ,Clothing, Asset and so on.
So even if the Path is correct it does not load the Assests / Clothings /Hair once i copy the VAR into a new fresh VAM.
Actually i was expecting that the Content will be auto loacated then regarding the Paths in the META File but it seems to still search for all external outside the VAR.

Do i have to edit every VAR manually in a special way to get that done ?

Or is there a pay Plugin which lets me do that in a working way to collect really all SCENE Content an copy that over?
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Then i clicked prepare Package and it scanned and here and there references which can be fixed and so on.
So even if all is fixed and the VAR is Created it does not include the Clothing, Asssets and no Hair if i load it in a new installed VAM
The Builder does not accurate detect what is needed to be complete . At least it behaves like that.
And that also because the Builder did not show any more errors.
But why isnt the Package Builder copying all what is included in the scene in a working way into the VAR file so its one big Package?
I mean that it is working is sure since i have many VAR Files which include Locations including all and everything in one file.

You said it yourself Assets/Env is part of another var,
so builder will only reference that package as dependency and not include files from it inside your new package.
Unless assets are "local" files (...\Custom\Assets), like your morphs (...\Custom\Atom\Person\Morphs) it will be only referenced, so works as intended.
Also "selected from clothing section" and "selected from hair section"? i dunno what you meant by that,
but if hair and clothing is also part from other packages and not local files they will be only referenced as dependencies.
local clothing doesn't have cube icon & pink background (same goes for hair, morphs...), indicated they are from var package.
local hairs/clothing have white background, custom local morphs have blue (transient morph section)


If you wanna include stuff from other packages inside your all-in-one "private" single package,
you first need to unpack vars and equip local copies of those files (clothing,hair,assets...etc).
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Hi thx a lot for your reply and Help :)

Clothing ( selected in the CLothing Section )
Hair (selected in the Hair Section )

Means just such were added to the Character by accessing the Clothing and Hair Menues and select a Hair Style and are not my own creations.
So such would be needed to be included / embedded then.

I will try it how you explained it.
So if i unpack them and add them to the CUSTOM Path it should work good then ?
Because i just tried it with the Asset i unpacked and my Scene META now looks like that

"contentList" : [

then referers like some content beimg used clothing, hair etc in


and then i added the Line


followed by the dependencies List.

Can i delete the dependencies so VAM won't perhaps scan for external things and sets Priority to the CUSTOM List?
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Clothing ( selected in the CLothing Section )
Hair (selected in the Hair Section )

Means just such were added to the Character by accessing the Clothing and Hair Menues and select a Hair Style and are not my own creations.
So such would be needed to be included / embedded then.
Hmm...still little bit confused with statement, but did you look inside spoiler to see what i meant by package clothing vs local clothing?
If it's from var package it will not be included inside your new package, only referenced.
Can i delete the dependencies so VAM won't perhaps scan for external things and sets Priority to the CUSTOM List?
There is difference if used stuff are local content or from package.

I guess is "ok" to unpack vars for private use only.
But only for private use and not sharing on hub later on.
If you unpack every var that is used inside your scene and equip local copies of those files.
When building package again it shouldn't have any dependency references.

scene.json example, same file local vs package:
id : "custom/clothing/xxx/shirt123.vam
id : var_name : "custom/clothing/xxx/shirt123.vam

So package builder will know if there is reference or not to var package.
No need to manually delete/edit stuff to "force" local content,
just save scene with local content equiped and rebuild package.
and this applies to everything (presets, clothing, hairstyle, morphs, assets, plugins, textures....).

since .var archieves are just regular store archives with no compression (as far as i know)
You can manually open var (with 7zip,winzip,winrar) and drag folders to corresponding local path (to avoid using "unpack" option).
And just refresh clothing/hair page so they showup, unless they are morph (then you need to restart client).
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Thx a again :)

I read your Spoiler which is very helpful regarding to see whats Local and should be included on what needs to be unpacked.

So the Workflow is then for me to be safe regarding private VARS, i will create a working Folder and add all i want to use in that in the matching Folders and then add that "Big" Folder in one or the single ones custom/ etc... which included the unpacked VARs in the Builder and create the VAR.
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Hi i will reply aditional here .

Thx also for the refreshing tip this seems to be really important creating things in VAM i realized :)

A last Question for now:
I noticed that i cannot just rename my VAR after its created.
The Meta contains a Label Entry too

"packageName" : "yourfilename ",

and if i change the Filename the VAR File does not show up any more in VAM.
I tried to add similar names in the META "and" the File but that does not solve anything.
Once i edit it it does no longer show up then in VAM.
Not in addons and not in Scenes.
Even if i refresh or do a Hard Reset
But i would like to rename the File after creation.

What am i doing wrong here ?

Does the VAR include some HASH which cannot just be changed regarding the Package name ?
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When you extract vars you still need to update your scene.json to point to local files, instead to package files (for assets, clothing, hair...etc).
But you figured that one out with hair/assets.

I believe you are overcomplicating things by draging files inside builder folder then editing meta and whatnot.
Why not just leave extracted/unpacked stuff in corresponding local folders and just edit/save your scene with new local paths.
Then open packagebuilder, add updated scene json and check/fix.
All local files should be pulled inside your new package (if you fix references).

Now why you have need to rename package after you create it is beyond me?
Personally never had need for it so i can't help you much on that front, maybe you forgot that you can't use space inside PackageName only _
Also it has to be formated as Creator.PackageName.PackageVersion.var
Then again never had need for it, so i don't know.
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