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Holograms for Virtamate


New member

I am develloping holograms for adult scenes. The goal is it to create a solution everybody of you can set up at home.

If you would have moved your camera around the hologram, I would buy it. Right now it looks fake to me.
If I were doing this...
Large "box" like you showed in that video, but it contains a clear sheet of projection material (peppers ghost) and a camera.
The camera does eye tracking, so the image is rendered relative to your viewpoint. When you move left, you get the correct view.
Next, the projection is done by a 3D projector and you wear cinema style 3D glasses.

You now have a full 3D virtual avatar in your room, well, in a box.

If you want to get MORE fancy, you need to dedicate a large area in the middle of the room and have 4 clear panels In a box shape. 4 projectors Ceiling mounted point down one onto each side (you can do it with one if you have a pyramid shaped projection surface and point directly down onto it, but that takes up more space and has much lower resolution, and for a 1:1 human this is not acceptable). This is again a common illusion type. But mixed with the 3D images and glasses and head position tracking to see where you are looking from you could make a very convincing hologram.

The first is more practical for "home" use, but still needs a 3D projector setup. That said, A 3D projector isn't that expensive and viewpoint tracking isn't hard so I expect you could make it for under a few hundred $ not counting the cost of the PC to render the image.
People hate headsets and glasses for no reason. This is why 3D tvs got hated on.
Idiots literally go out of their way to find reasons to hate tech that involves something on your head.
isn't that though just the reflection of a monitor on glass? I'm jumping in the skeptics boat too

Currently I am working on different approaches including:

1.) Projection on transparent medium
2.) Led fans (holographic fans) which use illusion of persistence of vision
3.) transparent LCD Screens
4.) eye tracking to adjust perspective
Ok guys, please chill. I'm not offended, your personal stuff should belong to PMs. Okay?
Thanks for defending me @xadamadax , but I'm not under attack.

I'm still not convinced seeing the latest video. Could be a projection from a beamer(?) in a mirror. But I really do have no clue what is possible with stuff like this. But still, I don't buy it, and that's no front, I'm just skeptic. To be honest I have no clue what I do see, looks interesting.
Make a video with a hologram and walk around it, proof it. Then I'll apologize. Right now it's just too vague. In my eyes it's just a mirror mirroring an animation in a mirror. It's a mirrorination ?

HUB entry:

I don't know ... to me it looks like a scam right now. Prove me wrong.
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Ok guys, please chill. I'm not offended, your personal stuff should belong to PMs. Okay?
Thanks for defending me @xadamadax , but I'm not under attack.

I'm still not convinced seeing the latest video. Could be a projection from a beamer(?) in a mirror. But I really do have no clue what is possible with stuff like this. But still, I don't buy it, and that's no front, I'm just skeptic. To be honest I have no clue what I do see, looks interesting.
Make a video with a hologram and walk around it, proof it. Then I'll apologize. Right now it's just too vague. In my eyes it's just a mirror mirroring an animation in a mirror. It's a mirrorination ?

HUB entry:

I don't know ... to me it looks like a scam right now. Prove me wrong.

How can this be a scam, if I say I try to devellop a solution?

Yes the above video is the test of a video beamer projected on a silver coated nearly invisible medium.

I am just in the beginning of the process. If I would have a finished product already, I wouldn't need Patreon support to finance research and devellopment. I would go out and sell it right away. - But this is still months out.

Maybe my mystake was to use the word "hologram". But most people can imagine what I wand to build with this term. Even if the endresult is not a hologram in a scientific way.

What I want to achieve is: The illusion of a person's appearance inside a room as realistic as possible.

From what I have learned in devellopment so far the best result will be achived combining positional tracking with a kinect sensor so the virtual object changes the perspective relatively to the user and a procection on invisible media or a Transparent LCD Screen.

But I am sure I will find other solutions on my way.

I am just looking for people who want to support the project because I can't finance it on my one in the long term.

If you have any doupts, just ask me. I will be always 100% honest and will backup my answers with proof if needed.


This is all very much possible, as mentioned with a few technologies.
I would avoid the spinning fan LED PoV displays. They are expensive and dangerous.
Transparent LCDs, for the size required are again expensive to the extreme.
A semi-transparent projection medium and projector however are well within most PC users budgets.
The idea of using a Kinect to track the viewer and adjust perspective is also very realistic as the kinect can be had for a few $ in most junk shops or craigslist now. Long term, its not an in production product however but there are software trackers for normal webcams too.

So, a virtual "hologram" standing in your room that you can move around and look at? Entirely possible for a reasonable budget. I could probably make one today with some clear food wrap, an existing projector and my PC and Kinect. It wouldn't look great, but it would work. Using a decent dedicated projection screen obviously would be better.
All that said, I have some issues with this idea, but it's not a criticism of the idea itself.
As mentioned, AR glasses would make it a lot simpler. That said those glasses have their own issues I won't go into, but that is an alternative.
My major sticking point is why. You can't touch or interact with the hologram in any way. If you gave the avatar standing their a decent AI backing so you could at least interact verbally it might be cool but other than that the typical VaM user might want to do more than talk.
This leads back to my comment on spinning LED fans being dangerous. If you reach out to touch the image....
Sadly image quality is an issue. Most projectors don't have a huge resolution or brightness required for a convincing human in front of you. They would also look "holographic" in being slightly transparent.

I think it would actually be really cool to have a virtual person stood in my room talking to me without needing to put on a VR headset/AR glasses etc.
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