Question HELP! With linking hazmhox fluid(cumshot) to trigger with vanmoans intensity orgasm and simultaniously with timeline


New member
Hey new to Virtamate just getting familliar with plugins etc, ive seen some scenes where the cumshot or orgasm can be toggled by a UI button, or automaticly by Vanmoans intensity Orgasm, it even works with pressing the test orgasm button within the Vanmoan Plugin and it also seems to be working simultaniously with triggers in timeline aswell with a timer set to the orgasm, when looking in timeline with the scenes im using for reference it only says "Trigger 1" wich follows a pattern for the cum spurts, the UI button i can work out but if somone could explain or just send me in the right direction about the Vanmoan link aswell as the timeline it would mean the world to me<3
Jeezzz, please use punctuation or structure your sentences a little better, it's hard to understand you.

Are you asking how to combine VAMfluids with VAMMoans? Well, you create a trigger for VAMMoan (orgasm) and another for VAMfluids (stream something). These two triggers can be added on a UIbutton, Timeline, something else, it depends on best to adapt it in the scene you're making.
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Haha sorry for that! If you mean the fluid plugin made by hazmhox then yes. I want to combine the Vamfluid with vanmoan so that when the interactive arousal hits orgasm, the fluid triggers by itself.

By creating a trigger, do you mean like adding a trigger in timeline? Or is there a normal way to create triggers in vam? Thx for replying
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There's no normal way to make triggers. The trigger system can be accessed in multiple forms, it can be from Timeline, from a UIbutton, all kinds of options available to set triggers.

I think the simplest one you can try to understand the process is to use a UIbutton > triggers tab > create 2 trigger actions:
1) Male atom > VAMMoan > Orgasm
2) Male atom > VAMFluids > Stream 3 times, random duration

VAMMoan is a plugin you add to the male atom plugins; VAMFluids is meant to be on a CUA atom.
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Quick question about this line
"1) Male atom > VAMMoan > Orgasm"
I cant find the receiver target for "Orgasm". I can only see "Allow orgasm" or "Voice Orgasm". Am i missing something?
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Here, made you a basic scene showing it with a UIbutton.

You'll need the VAMMoan and VAMfluids vars to be in your AddonsPackages, if not already.

I cant find the receiver target for "Orgasm". I can only see "Allow orgasm" or "Voice Orgasm". Am i missing something?
It's Voice Orgasm, I had to recall things from memory.


  • cum_demo.json
    97.6 KB · Views: 0
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There's no normal way to make triggers. The trigger system can be accessed in multiple forms, it can be from Timeline, from a UIbutton, all kinds of options available to set triggers.

I think the simplest one you can try to understand the process is to use a UIbutton > triggers tab > create 2 trigger actions:
1) Male atom > VAMMoan > Orgasm
2) Male atom > VAMFluids > Stream 3 times, random duration

VAMMoan is a plugin you add to the male atom plugins; VAMFluids is meant to be on a CUA atom.
The uibutton method works great, i wanted to ask what would you suggest to use if i don't want to manually use the ui button for orgasm voice and fluid but instead the fluid triggers automatcially on voice orgasm. cuz right now with ui button the fluid comes after pressing it as its a ui button, but what would be an auto trigger way without pressing a button and fluid comes out on vam maon full arousal? what you suggest would be a good method? In simple words fluid trigger automatically on vam maon arousal orgasm instead of pressing button manually.
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The uibutton method works great, i wanted to ask what would you suggest to use if i don't want to manually use the ui button for orgasm voice and fluid but instead the fluid triggers automatcially on voice orgasm. cuz right now with ui button the fluid comes after pressing it as its a ui button, but what would be an auto trigger way without pressing a button and fluid comes out on vam maon full arousal? what you suggest would be a good method? In simple words fluid trigger automatically on vam maon arousal orgasm instead of pressing button manually.
NVM! i found the way by my self damn i can't belive it tbh :p, The triggers are in vam maon itself lol just had to add fluid action to it.
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