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Freezing Model issues with RT_LipSync - All but hair and heels


New member
Apologies at the repost from 'Plugins' but I think I may have put it in the wrong area. I see this Help area is probably where I should have started.

Note: I have since seen that there were others having this issue, but I havent seen any follow ups on whether or not they got it resolved.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

As an extra question if anyone knows - 'Is it possible to enabled additional trace logging on VAM to see if there are further errors?'

Original question below.

Its a weird one. I have sent the details to AdamAnt via messages here a bit back, but I suspect its holiday season.
So... what happens is that any scene that has atoms using RT_LipSync start acting in weird ways.
If the plugin is enabled on a person, the moment you would expect the lips to start moving, all animations for that person stops. Except hair (and in one scene, just the heels of the shoes)

If you have edit mode on, and have a scene that for example has the person walking around, you can see the stick figure lines of the animation objects actually walk out of the now-frozen person, and if any of that animation comes into contact with the frozen persons hair, you can see it move out of the way like its been touched by an invisible person.
Once this happens you need to restart VAM to get everything working again.

Because this plugin is so popular to use in scenes, I am hitting this issue a lot. I have completely removed VAM and redownloaded via the updater, added just one scene and RT_Lipsync, and it still happens. I have updated my drivers, reset all Nvidia tweaks back to default, I have tried everything I can think of.
I know its just me, since otherwise it would already be up here, or reddit etc as an issue.
I am happy to troubleshoot it until I find the cause, but I have hit a few issues like not knowing how to enable any kind of additional logging in VAM so I can get an idea on what might be getting in the way of it working on my system. Any ideas of things to check or set would be greatly appreciated.
Yes I can delete all the plugin files for RT_Lipsync out of VAM and it will start working again after an application restart, but I would really prefer to figure this out so I can use the plugin, and also make sure I prevent whatever it is from affecting future plugins I might add.

Thanks in advance.

Well... I have tried to delete the plugin "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1".

and now both scenes are working, I don't have lip sync but at least I don't have that problem anymore, I prefer that to not being able to use the scene.

I don't know what is causing the conflict but I guess the plugin needs some update since I see that it is not updated since 2020, I will continue without using the plugin until someone finds a solution.

Original Post:

This same thing is happening to me since a few weeks ago

in scenes like "virtual sweethearth Reloaded" by TGC, or "bad santa" by Nial

I see the woman's body frozen but the "physical nodes" move making the scene unplayable.

I leave a picture to clarify the problem



I have all the dependencies updated and installed for both scenes as the authors say, from the hub and from their own patreon pack, everything appears without errors in the plugins section of the female model.
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Well... I have tried to delete the plugin "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1".

and now both scenes are working, I don't have lip sync but at least I don't have that problem anymore, I prefer that to not being able to use the scene.

I don't know what is causing the conflict but I guess the plugin needs some update since I see that it is not updated since 2020, I will continue without using the plugin until someone finds a solution.

Original Post:

This same thing is happening to me since a few weeks ago

in scenes like "virtual sweethearth Reloaded" by TGC, or "bad santa" by Nial

I see the woman's body frozen but the "physical nodes" move making the scene unplayable.

I leave a picture to clarify the problem

I have all the dependencies updated and installed for both scenes as the authors say, from the hub and from their own patreon pack, everything appears without errors in the plugins section of the female model.

I have removed VAM entirely, re-installed and just put the plugin and one scene. It does the same thing. I now have a thought about folder permissions, as RT_Lipsync uses a specific folder to find files, but I havent tried it yet.

I just wish I knew how to get more detailed logs.
Same problem here, since about 2 weeks. Also in scenes that previously worked.
No RT_LipSync plugin/dll elsewhere than in AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1.var that is also referenced by the affected scenes.
Body visualization is frozen, person's atoms are moving according to the animation... hair & clothes physics are working.
Removing the plugin resolves the issue as a halfbaked workaround.

Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-05 um 13.24.58.png
Rming suggested (written in chinese in the plugin discussion : )) that it has something to do with female morphs under Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female.
Renaming the folder so that VAM doesn't consider them resolves the issues but will break several other scenes.
The ones you suggested were not in there... hard to tell which one have an influence... as nothing is logged.
Hopefully AdamAnt5 will look into this and provide a fix.
There are few bad incompatible morphs that break it. Mediamac is right, there is a help page somewhere that lists them associated with the lip sync plugin. It's fixed mine in the past.

Edit: Found list of morphs From --> (5) Plugins - Realtime Lipsync | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)

[IMG alt="furifuri"]https://1387905758.rsc.cdn77.org/data/avatars/m/3/3970.jpg?1603729990[/IMG]
Nov 20, 2020

The following file was found to interfere with "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1.var" if it was in the morph folder.


This is probably the data converted from daz.
If you remove this, "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1.var" works fine.
RT_LipSync uses/references the morph PHMMouthOpen. I deleted it from the local folder /Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female. Now all my affected scenes work again and the mouth moves when speaking. I have not noticed any other problems. All of my affected scenes work again after this manipulation, including Dirty Santa.
For performance optimization I have all multiple used morphs flat in the local folder, so several thousand.
I recommend the from the freeze affected user to look for the morph PHMMouthOpen and experiment with removing it.
There are few bad incompatible morphs that break it. Mediamac is right, there is a help page somewhere that lists them associated with the lip sync plugin. It's fixed mine in the past.

Edit: Found list of morphs From --> (5) Plugins - Realtime Lipsync | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com)

[IMG alt="furifuri"]https://1387905758.rsc.cdn77.org/data/avatars/m/3/3970.jpg?1603729990[/IMG]
Nov 20, 2020

The following file was found to interfere with "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1.var" if it was in the morph folder.


This is probably the data converted from daz.
If you remove this, "AdamAnt5.Realtime_LipSync.1.var" works fine.
Thanks, checked for them too but didn't find them. In my case it was PHMMouthOpen as described above.
RT_LipSync uses/references the morph PHMMouthOpen. I deleted it from the local folder /Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female. Now all my affected scenes work again and the mouth moves when speaking. I have not noticed any other problems. All of my affected scenes work again after this manipulation, including Dirty Santa.
For performance optimization I have all multiple used morphs flat in the local folder, so several thousand.
I recommend the from the freeze affected user to look for the morph PHMMouthOpen and experiment with removing it.
You're a genius! I was wondering what the hell is up using same scenes as you, big thanks for the fix!
Is this morph a default out of the box one that comes with a fresh install of VAM?

Edit: Ooh, I have it. Going to test this out. If this works then you are a freakin legend.
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If this isn't working, I found another work around. I was seeing the same thing - older figures/characters were freezing, and when I'd hit T and move the bones/control points - those would move but the image of the figure would stay in the same place. If you got into Edit, select the effected Character/Figure/Look and save them as an appearance preset... exit, load a character that DOES work, then load the saved appearance preset on THAT character, save that as a scene...

Now you have a working version of that figure/preset/character.

Tested this on several broken figure looks/scenes prior to posting this. I'm pretty sure it works 100%.
Is this morph a default out of the box one that comes with a fresh install of VAM?

Edit: Ooh, I have it. Going to test this out. If this works then you are a freakin legend.
It works. For me, every scene with LipSync is frozen. Even those where I added the plugin only after loading the scene for testing purposes. If I take away the said morph, then it's good, if I add it, then it freezes. Repeatable, reproducible.

I took, let's put it this way, in the DLL of LipSync a <dotPeek>. Illegal, I know, but I didn't change anything in the code, won't use the decompiled source (like other creators on Patreon already did) or distribute it in any way. Can only say AdamAnt5 did an excellent job with his plugin when looking at his code!

In the code I came across the following references.

Pose Controls/Head/Mouth: PHMMouthOpen

In a search I could not find the viseme morphs but just PHMMouthOpen. I have noticed during testing that when I remove it, so far no scene complains and everything works (LipSync, no freezes, no other issues). But for a clean solution AdamAnt5 would have to look into his plugin and harden the code there for this situation and provide us with an update.

Because of performance optimization I have cleaned up all my VARs and so all duplicate morphs (i.e. non specific morphs), clothes, hairs were put flat in the local Custom folders, currently more than 12'000 morphs. None of these morphs interfere, except PHMMouthOpen. I don't have the VSM* morphs and wouldn't know what source they might come from. So I'm quite certain this is the culprit and can be addressed with an easy workaround (just delete it). If a scene really needs this morphs you could add it to the corresponding VAR and edit the respective JSONs of the scene.
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PHMMouthOpen . So I'm quite certain this is the culprit and can be addressed with an easy workaround (just delete it). If a scene really needs this morphs you could add it to the corresponding VAR and edit the respective JSONs of the scene.
Booya! an old issue resolved. I lost alot of time trying to isolate the culprit morph through trial / error. This fix works for me. Thank you @mediamac1 !
Happening again, and none of that worked. I moved my AddOnPackages folder out of the root of vam install, added just the plugin and it works, so it seems there is a Add on package with offending morphs.

Thought this would be a nightmare, cuz on my computer there are like ~900 var files, ~40gb.
So i wrote a PowerShell script, and it took about 15 seconds to scan the content lists of the zips, and parse. It found one VAR (one i had made) and that had the PHMMouthOpen morph in it... didn't care for it so i deleted it, and rt lip started working again! This should save you time, if you are comfortable with doing it this way.

Just change the $AddonPackages variable to your addOnPackages folder path.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$list = Get-ChildItem -File  $AddonPackages  -Filter *.var

foreach($varFile in $list)
$VARSearchResult=([System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]([System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($varFile.FullName))).Entries | ? { $_.Name -match $searchString } | select fullname

    write-host $varFile.fullname -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkRed


write-host "Identified the search string in the following VAR Files" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black
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Happening again, and none of that worked. I moved my AddOnPackages folder out of the root of vam install, added just the plugin and it works, so it seems there is a Add on package with offending morphs.

Thought this would be a nightmare, cuz on my computer there are like ~900 var files, ~40gb.
So i wrote a PowerShell script, and it took about 15 seconds to scan the content lists of the zips, and parse. It found one VAR (one i had made) and that had the PHMMouthOpen morph in it... didn't care for it so i deleted it, and rt lip started working again! This should save you time, if you are comfortable with doing it this way.

Just change the $AddonPackages variable to your addOnPackages folder path.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$list = Get-ChildItem -File  $AddonPackages  -Filter *.var

foreach($varFile in $list)
$VARSearchResult=([System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]([System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($varFile.FullName))).Entries | ? { $_.Name -match $searchString } | select fullname

    write-host $varFile.fullname -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkRed


write-host "Identified the search string in the following VAR Files" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black
I've got this problem again - and like you said, it is in some package I've added - So... how do I execute this script... I don't code. Just save it as a flat file, and run it from Powershell? Does it need a special extension or do I have to change anything to make it executable like in Linux?
Happening again, and none of that worked. I moved my AddOnPackages folder out of the root of vam install, added just the plugin and it works, so it seems there is a Add on package with offending morphs.

Thought this would be a nightmare, cuz on my computer there are like ~900 var files, ~40gb.
So i wrote a PowerShell script, and it took about 15 seconds to scan the content lists of the zips, and parse. It found one VAR (one i had made) and that had the PHMMouthOpen morph in it... didn't care for it so i deleted it, and rt lip started working again! This should save you time, if you are comfortable with doing it this way.
Nice framework for searching against VARs for any file - thank you!
Happening again, and none of that worked. I moved my AddOnPackages folder out of the root of vam install, added just the plugin and it works, so it seems there is a Add on package with offending morphs.

Thought this would be a nightmare, cuz on my computer there are like ~900 var files, ~40gb.
So i wrote a PowerShell script, and it took about 15 seconds to scan the content lists of the zips, and parse. It found one VAR (one i had made) and that had the PHMMouthOpen morph in it... didn't care for it so i deleted it, and rt lip started working again! This should save you time, if you are comfortable with doing it this way.

Just change the $AddonPackages variable to your addOnPackages folder path.

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$list = Get-ChildItem -File  $AddonPackages  -Filter *.var

foreach($varFile in $list)
$VARSearchResult=([System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive]([System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($varFile.FullName))).Entries | ? { $_.Name -match $searchString } | select fullname

    write-host $varFile.fullname -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkRed


write-host "Identified the search string in the following VAR Files" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black

So for those who want to run, and are unfamiliar, you're best resource is google, but yeah, save the text above as a .ps1 file. I guess i could make it easier and have it prompt you. meh, GTFM :) Google the .... .... :) First two lines add the .Net assembly for handling zip files, rest is just plain powershell searching the file table of each var, not the actual bits, so that's why it runs really fast.
You'll just end up down a rathole of enabling powershell script execution and the security implications of that. :)

Basically if a user can't figure it out for themselves with what you've provided, it probably isn't an area that they should be messing around with... they're playing Mickey Mouse in the Wizard's apprentice at that point.... They might get those brooms filling the buckets with water, but they might not know how to stop it one it starts. :)
But Bobbyland is right - this is an excellent framework for a compiled executable resource that would search any var for a particular string - which has a lot of practical utility. :)
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