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Solved Empty Atom


New member
Can somone please explain to me for what an Empty Atom is used for? I often see it in scenes but couldn't really find an explanation why, when and for what I should use it. Most Atoms are self explanatoriy. But this. 🤔
Can somone please explain to me for what an Empty Atom is used for? I often see it in scenes but couldn't really find an explanation why, when and for what I should use it. Most Atoms are self explanatoriy. But this. 🤔
It's mainly used to apply some plugins to it.
For example, Vam Story. If you move the Empty, the UI elements will also move.
Or just as an control instance for the scene with plugins like Timeline, Logic Bricks etc...
Or used as a spawning camera with Acidbubbles Spawn Point, there are hundreds of examples to name I guess ;)
Can somone please explain to me for what an Empty Atom is used for? I often see it in scenes but couldn't really find an explanation why, when and for what I should use it. Most Atoms are self explanatoriy. But this. 🤔
It's mainly used to apply some plugins to it.
For example, Vam Story. If you move the Empty, the UI elements will also move.
Or just as an control instance for the scene with plugins like Timeline, Logic Bricks etc...
Or used as a spawning camera with Acidbubbles Spawn Point, there are hundreds of examples to name I guess ;)
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I use them as a scene camera with passenger, or as something to parent link multiple cua's or other atoms to so I can move them all together at once. If i'm doing a large scene it is also handy to position it as a marker to move things to with "select align from scene" in the move tab.
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As the others say, Empty atoms are often used to put plugins on. Especially when you have lots of plugins (e.g. LogicBricks) it can help to put them on Empty atoms to keep things organized. Also Empty's are sometimes used as anchor points to parent other atoms/control nodes to.
Its worth nothing that Creators often rename atoms, so it may not be immediately obvious what type of atom you are dealing with. But it's frequently done with Empty's.

I guess the point is: An Emtpy atom does not do anything by itself and it is not visible to the player. That's what makes it helpful as you can abuse it for whatever you need ;)
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One example is to link an empty to a person's head, then load the Passenger plugin to the empty. This can be better than possession, or passenger on the person atom, because the empty can be moved around relative to the head. The head doesn't have as much freedom.

The video renderer plugin also needs to be on an empty.

You can also parent your characters to an empty so you can move them all around in the same relative position, like when you load a different room.
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One example is to link an empty to a person's head, then load the Passenger plugin to the empty. This can be better than possession, or passenger on the person atom, because the empty can be moved around relative to the head. The head doesn't have as much freedom.

The video renderer plugin also needs to be on an empty.

You can also parent your characters to an empty so you can move them all around in the same relative position, like when you load a different room.
Is this a way to fix when mocaps all have different starting positions.. that I could send my atom to different empty spots depending on what mocap i use?

I'd have to trigger a spawn point to whatever empty held the correct x,y,z then play the mocap?
I like to combine mocaps that are all relacted into one scene to just save time. some of older ReignMocaps lap dances and Hot Chicks VR had the girl and guy all kind of started in the same spot so it was easy to have them in one var that just could be triggered. Others don't lol.
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Is this a way to fix when mocaps all have different starting positions.. that I could send my atom to different empty spots depending on what mocap i use?

I'd have to trigger a spawn point to whatever empty held the correct x,y,z then play the mocap?
I like to combine mocaps that are all relacted into one scene to just save time. some of older ReignMocaps lap dances and Hot Chicks VR had the girl and guy all kind of started in the same spot so it was easy to have them in one var that just could be triggered. Others don't lol.
Not sure. Maybe. A mocap doesn't usually have an absolute position. Timelines sometimes start with a pose preset that does. I can often adjust an atom's starting point if there's a mocap. Timeline is more tricky to do that.
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I will try that just to see how it goes tho. I'll let you know. Just havn't had a chance to try that yet :)
What I do is, if there's a button to click that makes them start some animation, I tack on another trigger that loads a pose preset to get them in the right place.
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cuz some of these mocaps have starting positions way off away from the atoms control point. so thats why i have to fiddle with the placement of that when combining them in sequence sometimes. I've never been able to link them up in a chain. but If they all start in kinda same position but have their focus on the same spot I can set a scene with 5 or 6 of them and have them all triggered when ever.. if there's a way to switch the atoms origin point with an empty that would correspond with a set of mocaps origin point, I could add a lot more to one scene

by focus on the same spot, im referring to lap dance mocaps where the dude just stay put and the girls dance all over lol
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If you save a pose preset with the root node selected, then the position is absolute, not relative. That's what I usually do.

One advantage of having the atom's control point not moving is that when the animation gets to a point where she should be on his lap, then you hip pause, grab the control point and move it till she IS on his lap. Then, if you reset the animation, she should end up there.
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Thanks for all you awnsers guys and the interesting discussion. Positoning is also one issue I struggle with. Be it with a pose loafing in to my scene or loading a mocap into my "home" (positioning, press "play" and off they are until I replace them).
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