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Edit plugins


Good morning, what software i need in order to modify some plugins that others created?

VisualStudio Code?

Does most of the plugins are even can be modified?
What are you suggesting?
Does most of the plugins are even can be modified?
VAR packages can be unpacked, e.g. using the unpack button in VaM's package manager.

While you can load DLLs with VaM, most plugins are just a bunch of *.cs and *.cslist files. That's just text....any garden-variety text editor with syntax-highlight for C# will do. Personally I just use Notepad++. Another alternative is VisualStudio, of course. There are project templates for VS around to get you started. VS requires more setup, but once you have a project solution, it will help you spot compiler errors, etc....which may be less frustrating, if you are new to coding.

On the other hand, VS is a huge monster build to manage and build giant professional projects with literally millions of files. As someone who works with VS for a living, I don't quite see the point to bother setting it up for some tiny single file VaM plugin ;)
Good morning, what software i need in order to modify some plugins that others created?
As @MacGruber already said, you don't need anything special, just Notepad++ will work.
I usually use Visual Studio because it will highlight VAM's classes (I can't find the tutorial where they show how to import them, but there's one out there).

To learn how to code first you'll need to know some basics of C# and Unity.
After that I recommend you the tutorials "Hello World - plugin basics" and "Hello World - plugin basics pt2".
To learn more in depth I usually look inside the VAM sourcecode using dotPeek (you can see all the classes/functions and how they are called).
Another good aproach to learn how to make plugins is to look others' similar codes to see how they do it. I wanted to add that you don't need VAM to "unpack" the .var, if you have WinRAR you can unzip it directly.
Thanks, i dont have the Vam's package manager yet, i will have it soon.
Yeap i've noticed already that i can open some of the files in the notepad++ (i have visual studio too).
There is some plugins like 'Alive' that make the character act more humenly by random, make him alive, the problem with that plugin is that the maker set the character who has the plugin getting a random orgasem after few minutes 'out of the blue' forno reason, i want to disable this. But i think i will just find an alternative plugin from the patreon pay site.

So far i'm learning the new ViM and i'm creating sex poses for my own use and the parts that i'm not animating are staying Static.
I'm looking for a plugin that will make the character look more alive even when they are staying "idle", small body tweaks, neck,head movements
As @MacGruber already said, you don't need anything special, just Notepad++ will work.
I usually use Visual Studio because it will highlight VAM's classes (I can't find the tutorial where they show how to import them, but there's one out there).

To learn how to code first you'll need to know some basics of C# and Unity.
After that I recommend you the tutorials "Hello World - plugin basics" and "Hello World - plugin basics pt2".
To learn more in depth I usually look inside the VAM sourcecode using dotPeek (you can see all the classes/functions and how they are called).
Another good aproach to learn how to make plugins is to look others' similar codes to see how they do it. I wanted to add that you don't need VAM to "unpack" the .var, if you have WinRAR you can unzip it directly.
I know C# and i used to tweaks mods for Koikatu by Illusion.jp.
I will compliment the modders here, they did everything already, all i need is small tweaks
the problem with that plugin is that the maker set the character who has the plugin getting a random orgasem after few minutes 'out of the blue' forno reason, i want to disable this

Not to take away from the fact that the maker of that plugin is a moron but I think the problem is that you have something stuck in/touching your model's sensitive parts or you're using exaggerated morphs. Climax in that plugin is based on touches & penetration (physics), it's not random.

There's a sensitivity slider in the personality tab if you don't want the model to get aroused or to get aroused less.
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Waslikethem, don't give up on Alive. I've found it to be a must have plugin if you want your model to act more human. I put it on every model I use. But it takes some tweaking to get it exactly right. BTW, in case you didn't get it, when SPQR called the creator of the plugin a moron...it's him. He's the creator. And SPQR you have my thanks. Awesome plugin.

What you are experiencing is probably the Labia trigger on the model. It seems to be very sensitive so that even a pair of panties can trigger it. I haven't figured out how to decrease that sensitivity to that particular body part yet.
Also, if you set the trigger to respond to touch, you have to set the end trigger to go back to normal. For example: I set the labia trigger to set VAMMoan at Intensity 1. So when I touch her labia, she moans at Intensity 1. But when I stop touching, she is still moaning. I have to set the End trigger to Breathing or turn off the plugin completely or she will moan forever.
Waslikethem, don't give up on Alive. I've found it to be a must have plugin if you want your model to act more human. I put it on every model I use. But it takes some tweaking to get it exactly right. BTW, in case you didn't get it, when SPQR called the creator of the plugin a moron...it's him. He's the creator. And SPQR you have my thanks. Awesome plugin.

What you are experiencing is probably the Labia trigger on the model. It seems to be very sensitive so that even a pair of panties can trigger it. I haven't figured out how to decrease that sensitivity to that particular body part yet.
Also, if you set the trigger to respond to touch, you have to set the end trigger to go back to normal. For example: I set the labia trigger to set VAMMoan at Intensity 1. So when I touch her labia, she moans at Intensity 1. But when I stop touching, she is still moaning. I have to set the End trigger to Breathing or turn off the plugin completely or she will moan forever.
I manage to overcome this problem by having 'MiscreatedReality' https://www.patreon.com/MiscreatedReality/posts
I'm using his 'Relax' and 'Sub-Motion'.
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