
Looks Dean

s p l i n e VR

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Featured Contributor
I’m sorry but how do I add this to the game? I’ve never had any issues adding looks or scenes but no look with this one?

edit: kinda figured it out wanted to update the review but it says i can't edit the review once the author replies. I say kinda because i was able to figure of how to apply the tattoos to a model. Thanks!
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Nice job with these.

Any particular reason this isn't in a var? If someone were to use it in a scene the package builder would want to pack all the loose files in the new var and it wouldn't get proper hub referencing.

Also, including pale driver's eye shadows adds a duplicate clothing entry for something most people would already have in their clothing menu and the 153mb normal texture for the tiles seems a bit overkill. There are 212mb overall of environment textures included. MacGruber's assetbundle is available on hub as well and doesn't need to be included.

Not being hub hosted also reduces visibility of the resource, particularly for anyone using the in game hub and reduces it's effectiveness as advertisement for your paid stuff. By dropping the environment textures and loose clothing and possibly slightly better compression on the diffuse textures you should be able to get it under the hub limit. If you are using these same environment textures on every release it might make sense to make a var just for them that would be referenced on all your releases.

Just some things to consider.
still so confused but i know you're not customer service haha thanks anyway :)
Why have you left me a review saying 'broken' when its completely user error, you not being able to install it correctly has got nothing to do with the character. Here is a video showing exactly how to do it.

I kind of agree with the comment that Looks should just be a var file and posted here on the hub to keep things simple. And don't be so hard on noobies, maybe include a "read me file" or the above video in your download package so noobs can figure it out and not leave you a negative review. Nice work though and I hope you'll do more.
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