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  • Hi!

    I'm not your target audience, but there are a couple of male characters I'm pretty mystified aren't available -- or, if they are, I haven't found them -- even though the female "third point" in their triad is pretty ubiquitous, so I thought I'd drop a suggestion to you to see if you might be interested. Their fandom is a remarkably horny one, so, as I said, I'm pretty baffled that they haven't been put up here yet. I'm writing, of course, about Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, as they appeared in the last couple of "Harry Potter" movies. The actors were both of age when the movies were filmed, so they're legitimate subjects for the VaM treatment. I'd be wanting to use them in scenes with Hermione, of course, but there's a HUGE fandom out there for Harry/Ron as a slash pairing, so I have no doubt they'd be welcomed by your target audience. I don't have the budget to ask for a commission, but thought you might find the suggestion worthwhile.

    Thanks for your time!
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