Question Cloth saving - not reloading correctly


New member
I'm fairly new to VaM and am playing around with the state machine plugin. I want to be able to partially undress and restore some clothing with a button push. The sweater I'm using has separate items for the normal and partially undressed states (NOT two states in the same clothing item). I've given the character both items of clothing, one initially visible and the other hidden using Shader->'Hide material'. On each button press I hide the material on one item and unhide it on the other. This works fine - see the first two images.


The problem comes when I save the project and then later restore it. The character appears correct, but on the button press I get the result on the right. The item that was stored with its material hidden appears not to be conforming to the figure any more and has reverted to its default preset color.

I think I have a workaround to avoid the problem, but I'm curious - is this expected behavor or a bug?
Don't use "hide material", use alpha adjust (-1) to hide clothing. As you see, weird things can happen with "hide material".
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